In the year 1967 an Italian immigrant (L.R.) Eventually, the mysterious woman returned to her craft and floated back out to sea. Recently, Dr Kimura has admitted that the basic structure of the Yonaguni Monument is possibly manmade, however, stated that it had been transformed by humans, therefore concocting the particular details such as Jacques Eyes and the roads. The Yonaguni Monument southwest of Okinawa, Japan. An underwater mystery discovered in the last 30 years, the Yonaguni Monument is a possible ancient Japanese structure which sank beneath the . The same source then goes on to denounce . A tourist delegate swam under the water, and as he passed over this piled and cracked land, he found this formation and named the territory Iseki Point/ Ruins point. 26 Things That You Could Enjoy Doing While at the Beach, Essential Survival Gear for Winter Hiking, Top 10 Adventure Activities to Experience in Himachal, Key Features to Look For When Buying a Tent for Camping. The Yonaguni Monument. Submarine ruins off the coast of Yonaguni-Jima have been estimated to be 10,000 years old at least. Things are usually found underneath the water. The fact that the Yonaguni Monument has created so much debate among scholars suggests that this will continue to be an enigma for years to come. Paranormal Theories. It is also known as "Yonaguni (Island) Submarine Ruins . It is the last of the islands in the Ryukyu Islands chain, and lies 108 kilometres from the east coast of Taiwan, between the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. On closer inspection, he came to believe the condition of the limestone used could only have been caused by water. The site is very popular among divers. 14.0k members in the FringeTheory community. The Yonaguni Monument japan was discovered as a part of those 'many things' found 'usually' by the Yonaguni tourism board in 1986. The main trouble about Yonaguni submerged structured is that if they are really man made they would force to date civilizations able to make similar structures to 10,000 - 12,000 years ago [the depth of the structure indicates when it was submerged by the arising ocean while the ice of . Why Yonaguni? Low The Japanese archipelago extends for almost 4,000 Km-from Kamchatka Peninsula to the island of Taiwan in China. Ep 166: The Yonaguni Monument. © 2021 - Mysterioustrip. There were also two beds and plenty of water and food. The Yonaguni island is situated at southwesternâs furthest tip which Japanâs most western point, and only 100Km away from Taiwan. Yonaguni Island. A very strange underwater monument. Your email address will not be published. The scripts were decoded over a decade ago by linguistic and inscription expert K. Schildmann. Some believe the site to be a prehistoric site made by human hands, including step pyramid-like structures, while others say it's just a fascinating geological curiosity (and there are also theories that the site is a combination of both). One of the structures is almost 100 foot high. The Yonaguni Monument is a massive underwater rock formation off the coast of Yonaguni, the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan. Researchers who claim that the Yonaguni underwater complex is man-made, . was living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. As our technology advances so too will our understanding of ancient sites like the Yonaguni Monument, and maybe bring to light a part of the human story that’s been lost. According to some, the monument is a man-made stepped pyramid. Was the Yonaguni Monument tangible proof of Hancock's theory? The Japanese underwater site known as the 'Yonaguni monument' has excited 'lost civilization' proponents ever since its discovery in 1986. Feb 27, 2012. "Yonaguni Island Submarine Topography"), is an underwater rock structure that was discovered in the mid-1980s near Yonaguni Island, Japan. Despite all the different versions of the story, they’re pretty consistent for the most part, and there are five drawings from the 1800s depicting the event that have survived in Japan till this day. Containing step-like features, scientists dispute whether the "monument" is natural or man-made, and several theories have cropped up encompassing everything . 1. The most prominent part of the Yonaguni Monument is a giant slab of rock that is nearly 500 feet long, 130 feet wide and 90 feet tall. Ayurveda; History; Mystery; Our Future; Sanatana Dharma; The Yonaguni Monument. Your email address will not be published. The origin of the site is hotly debated - many experts argue that is man-made, while more conservative scientists insist it was carved by natural phenomena. He discovered that they were, as anticipated, sandstone and mudstone of the structure called Lower Miocene Yaeyama Group, which added up 20 million years ago. An anonmyous listener wrote: An anonmyous listener wrote: In this case it appears that the skeptic's explanation is just as much based on speculation. Instead, they came across something far more exciting and mysterious: A huge underwater structure at a depth of just 26 meters below the surface. You can draw a line from the Bermuda Triangle to the Dragon’s Triangle on a map and it will make a perfectly parallel line. At its extreme southwestern tip is the small island of Yonaguni, Japan's most western point, just a scant 100 kilometers from Taiwan. Naturally, theories and conspiracy theories swirl that it was sunk in a Soviet attack or there was a navy cover-up after an exploding torpedo caused a fire in the . While some believe the ziggurat -like formation is from an ancient city, others argue that it was naturally created Yonaguni monument facts for kids. In 1985, a Japanese diver named Kihachiro Aratake was exploring the seafloor off the Southern shore of Yonaguni-Jima island, the Western-most island in the Ryukyu archipelago of Japan. THE YONAGUNI-JIMA KAITEI CHIKEI, LITERALLY translated as "Yonaguni Island Submarine Topography," is an underwater mystery off the coast of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.. According to him, the Yonaguni Monument was dry and low during 8-10,000 years ago; and before that, it was high and dry. Though, there’s a small group of scientists who hold onto their convictions that the site is a natural formation and that it was merely modified by humans. Yonaguni Monument diving site is a gemstone for the divers at Yonaguni Island. After all the Bermuda Triangle is just one of twelve such anomalous locations across the planet called the Vile Vortices, to read about them all click here for the article- area the monument the located is one of these Vile Vortices known as the Dragon’s Triangle or the Devil’s Sea. Though they set out to look for the hammerhead sharks and stumbled upon the Yonuguni monument. The Yonaguni Monument is a rock formation off the southeast coast of the Japanese island of Yonaguni (approximately 110 km east of Taiwan), part of the Ryukyu Islands chain.The rock formation was discovered in 1987 by scuba divers of the island's local tourist board, who then informed Professor Masaaki Kimura of the University of the Ryukyus' marine geology department of their discovery. During this time, WWII was at its height, and the need to gain the Read more…, Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:10:41 — 73.5MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | Pandora | Stitcher | JioSaavn | Podchaser | Email Read more…, Nikola Tesla was a man so ahead of his time much of his work was classified or suppressed by governments around the world. The Yonaguni Monument The formation stands roughly 150 meters in length and 27 meters in height, with its top level about 5 meters below the surface. The interesting thing about the Yonaguni Monument (or any other underwater structures, if they really are artificial) is that one must speculate when it was built. The "Yonaguni Monument" (Japanese: 与那国島海底地形 Hepburn: Yonaguni-jima Kaitei Chikei, lit. They resemble an architectural complex, including pyramids similar to the Inca pyramids, flat terraces, and massive steps. Yonaguni Monument, underwater rock structure that was discovered in the mid-1980s near Yonaguni Island, Japan. Conspiracy websites and forums love exaggerating such tales. Unless Kasamanli is particularly known for his shit theories on Yonaguni, then the quotes are pointless and only serve to attack him. All these structures are connected by roads and water lines, which dictate whoever constructed the Yonaguni Monument had sophisticated technology thousands of years ahead of its time. The unique and awe-inspiring site was discovered in 1995 by a diver who strayed . The majority of archaeologists and researchers that have studied the Yonaguni monument conclude that it is a man made complex, some researchers even believe that the Yonaguni monument are actually the remains of the lost Pacific civilization of Mu. As word about his discovery spread, so did the site's popularity. The spot that the Yonaguni Monument is located is perfectly parallel to the famous Bermuda Triangle. Are you looking to book your next trip? (3) The other structures of the Yonaguni monument include ruins of a palatial building, which could be a castle as well, five temples, a triumphal arch and a large stadium. The Japanese archipelago stretches for nearly 4,000 kilometers, from Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula to the island of Taiwain, off the coast of mainland China. However human effigies from the past are rarely accurate and were more about artistic expression. The Yonaguni monument is a underwater formation that is located off the coast of Yonaguni, the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan. The access is thru a small tunnel via the rocks. The woman had abstract clothing of unknown material, and spoke a language completely alien to the Japanese, having to resort to hand gestures and posturing to communicate. The stairs have perfect mathematical alignment, and everything seems planned out, which is incredibly fascinating. The biggest structure at the site is a monolithic step pyramid 82 feet high, but there are lots of other impressive structures too. Yonaguni is the last of the islands of this chain and is only 30 miles . It was first discovered in the mid-1980s by a scuba diver looking to observe hammerhead sharks. Yonaguni Monument, underwater rock structure that was discovered in the mid-1980s near Yonaguni Island, Japan. While some believe the ziggurat -like formation is from an ancient city, others argue that it was naturally created. Quote someone else FFS.—Ryulong 20:33, 7 December 2015 (UTC) Join us as we count down 15 photos of strange underwater finds with no logical explanation. This is Yonaguni monument.You. The Yonaguni Monument has been completely enveloped in a malevolent reputation throughout history. There is much more buried in the ocean sand. Hancock headed for Japan to don scuba gear and examine the underwater megalith firsthand. This is why I said more research is required. This theory contends that the structures are at least 5,000 years old and belong to a lost civilization—possibly the legendary Mu or Lemuria. Yonaguni underwater pyramid structure discovered in East China Sea off the coast of Japan. In July of 1986, Kihachiro Aratake, a diveshop owner on Yonag. A marine geologist, Masaaki Kimura, visited the Yonaguni Monument himself and what he saw created a grave impact on him for the rest of his life. There is a debate about whether the site is completely natural, is a natural site that has been modified, or is a manmade artifact. Taken together, all this evidence seems overwhelmingly in favor of the ancient undersea palace theory. Skeptical Theories. The Yonaguni Monument is a massive underwater rock formation off the coast of Yonaguni, the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan. From ancient times all the way to modern, there’s been bizarre stories surrounding the Dragon’s Triangle. As you come to surface from the tunnel, youâd see two massive lumps of rock, perfectly built columns, side by side, right in front of you. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. It is a big round rock with two slides near where eyes may be, however, it doesnât appear as a sculpted head, and Kimura does not believe in recognizing it as one of those. On the other hand, a coral ridge where youâre expected to find some moray eels and turtles. Funny enough, that's how it was initially discovered in the 1980s. It is known as Yonaguni Monument. The discovery & BBC channel made documentaries supporting the Yonaguni Monumentâs natural past. The geologic features of the region are distinguished, and Schoch carried samples of the Yonaguni rock outside for examination. The number of theories about the Yonaguni Monument is endless on the internet, with a special mention to all the videos you can find on YouTube. Yonaguni Monument in the waters off Yonaguni Island, Japan. Numerous hammerhead sharks could be found in its water, and they are omnipresent. It is pretty diminutive with a population of only 1700 inhabitants; however, it is popular for the hammerhead sharks. He Provides an all details related to tour destination and explores mysterious thing about that place. They state that the symmetry of the rocks is not as pronounced as reported and that the structure appears to be made out of solid rock rather than distinct blocks, which would suggest human activity. During the last ice age, Yonaguni was part of the Chinese mainland. Yonaguni Island is home to the most famous dive site in Japan - the Kaitei Iseki, a mysterious underwater monument. How Many Flashlights Are Used in Camping or Outdoors? It is called the Yonaguni Monument. Aside from the pyramid, which is the largest formation, there are ruins that are believed to be arches, temples, a castle and a stadium, with buildings connected by what appear to be roads and shielded by the remnants of walls. History channel on its historyâs mysteries created an episode called Japanâs mysterious pyramidâ which encouraged the notion with a slight criticism. However, they arenât! Schoch has dived under the water a few times; on the other hand, Kimura dived a hundred times. Graham Hancock, famous explorer and author of such bestsellers as Fingerprints of the Gods, is convinced that this is the case, and uses the Yonaguni Monument as a lynchpin of his arguments that a sophisticated civilization existed more than . It's rainy and windy as our group lands with hopes of experiencing one of the strangest places on Earth: the Yonaguni monument. Or just a rock?I took a little swim around so you could decide. But don't just dismiss the opposite view so quick. Pseudoarchaelogists believe it to be a monolith carved by man thousands of years ago. Many theories and hypothesis have been put forward over the years, and while conflicting at times, . Like metallic objects rising from the water then zooming away out of sight, or massive objects moving swiftly beneath the water. The Yonaguni monument was discovered in 1985 by Dive Tour operator Kihachiro Aratake. It is located just by the junction of the Pacific plate and the Philippine Sea plate, and therefore, home to 10% of the worldâs active volcanoes. 2. This spectacular rock formation was discovered by divers in 1986, and ever since, its origin has been shrouded in mystery and controversy. Again on an episode âLost Cities of the Deepâ of ancient discoveries they did the same. Trip to Top 10 Mysterious Places on Earth, Castle of Good Hope: Hidden Stories, History, Facts, Images, 10 Perfect America Vacation Spots for Nature Lovers, Best Travel Options for International Tourists to visit China. Yonaguni Monument theories Japan's Yonaguni Ruins May Hold the Key to a - Gai . In ancient times people claimed to see winged monsters rising from the ocean then taking flight, and giant monsters rising from the depths to breathe fire. Evidence of ancient civilisations destroyed by floods, and the sea-level rises after the last Ice Age, with many inundations of ancient cities, and ancient underwater pyramids like the structures found . Yonaguni Monument. Print. Thereâs an entirely different photograph circulating on the internet depicting three divers swimming over a ginormous stone head that is evidently manmade, with a feathered crown. It is called the Yonaguni Monument. Tesla had an ongoing struggle with the U.S. government because his ideas Read more…. Let's try to unfold unusual mystery regarding Yonaguni Monument and understand theories given by marine geologists and researchers — An Overview: The Yonaguni Monument. While some believe the ziggurat-like formation is from an ancient city, others argue that it was naturally created. Earthquakes are something that frequently occurs here. The room, about 3 m (10 feet) by 3 m (10 feet) was beneath the roof, with a window looking towards the north-east. In 1987, Aratake-san, as he is known locally, was scouting the area around Yonaguni Island, looking for new dive sites. Until then, the site definitely enlightens us to the truth that nothing is what it seems. One such theory comes from the Legend of the Utsuro Bune, which translates to “hollow ship”. The Devil’s Sea location off the coast of Japan. (2) The most surprising and mysterious structure that is found in Yonaguni monuments is the Yonaguni pyramid, which has definite stairs and terraces just like the world famous pyramids of Egypt. INVERTED FIG. This monolithic structure made of layers of sandstone is said a remnant of the mythical lost continent of Mu. Over the centuries there have been countless reports of people vanishing without a trace in the area. Inside were several windows made from crystals that were completely transparent, being able to see outside the craft but not in. The Yonaguni Monument has been completely enveloped in a malevolent reputation throughout history. Many underwater archaeologists persist in exploring the monument looking for evidence the ruins are remnants of an unknown ancient civilization that was built before the end of the last ice age, back when the area would have been above water. Or the Yonaguni Monument, whose true origins have been swept under the rug by the government for decades. The interesting thing about the Yonaguni Monument (or any other underwater structures, if they really are artificial) is that one must speculate when it was built. Expeditions have been put out only to end in failure. The Underwater Pyramids of Yonaguni. Yonaguni Monument, Japan. Bounded by a wall which only opens a vaulted door, a circular path 6 meters wide and 15 meters in short diameter around the central body of Yonaguni - a tiered structure. Sometimes called the "Atlantis of Japan", the Yonaguni Monument is in a diving hotspot. Top 8 Cities with the Lowest Cost of Living in Texas, Kids Learning to Drive? Aratake came across what appeared to be the sunken ruins of an ancient, megalithic, stepped pyramid, similar to the ziggurats built in . Your email address will not be published. Nearby are other formations, suggesting a submerged ancient city. He lived in a little room on 92nd Street, rented from a Ukrainian family. Yonaguni Monument, underwater rock structure that was discovered in the mid-1980s near Yonaguni Island, Japan. About the Yonaguni Monument. The Yonaguni Monument In 1985, a Japanese diver named Kihachiro Aratake was exploring the seafloor off the Southern shore of Yonaguni-Jima island, the Western-most island in the Ryukyu archipelago of Japan. Corrections? She clutched a mysterious mechanical box the whole time she interacted with the Japanese, but wouldn’t let anyone get to close to it, much less touch it. And it's particularly telling of how completely irrelevant this guy is when Googling "yonaguni monument ufology kasamanli" only gives 6 hits. The Yonaguni Monument off the coast of Japan is an extremely anomalous archaeological site. The Yonaguni Monument is the name given to a natural underwater rock formation off of Japan that some people insist is a manmade city. What is the nature of this structure? The Yonaguni Monument is a pyramid style structure, with many ledges, ramps and steps. He is well known for his work on allocating Egyptâs Sphinx and Great Pyramid dates that are much primitive than previously assumed, centred on his study of endurance.
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