Submit here. Edition. AOL acquired it for US$315 million in March 2011 and made Arianna Huffington the editor-in-chief of the site. We must not balance our books on the backs of the poor, writes STiR Education's . Letters must include author's full name, address and day and home phone numbers. Letters: 200 words or less. To submit an op-ed, email How Do I Submit An Article To The Huffington Post? In a previous post I shared information on how to write an OpEd. To get a sense of our range, preferences and requirements, check out our op-ed section , follow us on Twitter and Facebook , or sign up for our daily . HuffPost has two new sections. To submit your idea to Huffington Post, you fill out a Google Form similar to the one Forbes uses. Getting Published In There was a topic I felt . Gabrielle Jasper '17 published an op-ed essay in The Huffington Post concerning issues relating to body image and self-esteem. Every so often, we academics get fired up and want to write an opinion piece so that the world can hear what we have to say. Submissions should be limited to 800 words. Submit a Letter to the Editor. HuffPost has two new sections. Here, I will discuss how you actually go about submitting one. In order to submit, authors must agree to the following guidelines: The article has not been previously published and you are submitting it for potential publication on CNN exclusively. The new Opinion section will feature a mix of regular columnists and one-off guest writers, commissioned by our Opinion editors to produce smart, authentic, timely and rigorous op-eds. Topic areas of particular focus are social inequality, politics, economic justice, environment and culture. CNN Opinion will consider submissions of original pieces on timely topics. There is a blank on the post for the final draft of your proposed 500 to 1000-word post, which you include right on the form. MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan has learned a few lessons after interviewing everyone from John Legend to former National Security Adviser John Bolton. Op-eds may not have been submitted to, posted to or published by any other media. Make sure you use a format that is familiar and easy to understand, such as how-to and list posts. Needs: Opinion pieces and personal . Read the New York Post's opinion and commentary section on the latest breaking news from op-ed columnists Michael Goodwin, Miranda Devine, and others. They must include the writer's full name — anonymous op-eds or op-eds written under pseudonyms will not be considered. Catch up on the latest U.S. news, stories, photos, and videos. The Huffington Post . See all of the opinion pieces published by HuffPost UK. Submissions must be exclusive to us and are unlikely to be accepted if they . [/caption] Elon University sophomore Gabrielle Jasper published an op-ed essay, titled " She's a Size 12, Not Plus-Sized ," in The Huffington Post on Friday, Feb. 20. How to submit a press release; Submit an op-ed; Submit a correction; Leadership of The Washington Post newsroom; Leadership of The Washington Post Opinions section; Reader Engagement & Feedback; Submit a book for review; Submit an event listing to the Weekend/Going Out Guide section Make sure it is no more than 800 . If you'd like to reply to an Inquirer story, you may submit a letter to the editor to Letters: The Fresno Bee edits letters for brevity, clarity, grammar and accuracy . The LJSA is designed to help local journalists in local communities and not the national media. You can return to edit your submission here until {{application.activeEndDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}: {{editSubmissionLink}} Share this form Featured submissions Outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Huffington Post, CNN, Fox and others . We prioritize scoops, features and investigations that break new ground and have the potential for significant impact. Every so often, we academics get fired up and want to write an opinion piece so that the world can hear what we have to say. He previously was a managing editor of, ran the Huffington Post's business and technology coverage, and was a columnist, reporter and . 11/07/2019 01:59pm BST | Updated May 26, 2021. Opinion Editor, HuffPost UK. A Brief History of the Huffington Post. You can write about your own experiences, feelings, and thoughts on the Huffington Post if you want to express yourself. The Hill welcomes submissions of opinion articles for publication in print and online. News U.S. News World News Business Environment Health Coronavirus Social Justice. There is a blank on the post for the final draft of your proposed 500 to 1000-word post, which you include right on the form. If you write a great article, The Huffington Post will definitely publish it! Submit your completed article of any length to There are few, if any, editors who want to receive an op-ed submission as an attachment. The Los Angeles Times welcomes opinion articles on any subject. Description: The Huffington Post (now known as HuffPost) closed its unpaid contributor platform in January 2018. Thanks for your interest in writing for HuffPost. A Political and Literary Forum. Read the latest headlines, news stories, and opinion from Politics, Entertainment, Life, Perspectives, and more. Formerly The Huffington Post, HuffPost is an American news aggregator and blog that has localized and international editions since 2017. Just how do you submit an OpEd to the New York Times, The Huffington Post, or the Washington Post? U.S. . To submit a letter to the editor, email Share on LinkedIn. + Fresno Bee (CA) Op-eds: Send in op-ed the same way as letters to the editors. Our goal is to help our audience better understand the breakneck news cycle, and shed light on stories that aren't getting enough attention. By. Share on Pinterest. Letters run in the Inquirer six days a week on the . But you can still contribute writing in the form of personal, blog-style posts, or articles on certain topics with a broad appeal. Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism. Submit a finished op-ed article to How To Pitch To HuffPost Opinion And HuffPost Personal. They are looking for writers to pitch possible article ideas to them for these sections. Mark Gongloff is an editor with Bloomberg Opinion. Make sure your title is eye-catching. How To Pitch To HuffPost Opinion And HuffPost Personal. An op-ed is a way to present your expertise, personal experience or original idea in a more expansive forum. Submissions must be exclusive to us and are unlikely to be accepted if they . Pitch lifestyle articles to the section that fits best. Submit in the body of email, NOT as an attachment. We consider only completed articles and cannot commit to, or provide guidance on, article proposals. They have since launched two new sections that are paid. Here, I will discuss how you actually go about submitting one. Letters must include author's full name, address and day and home phone numbers. Submissions must Writer Guidelines & Submissions from Boston Review. . Op-eds: Send in op-ed the same way as letters to the editors. Please include home address and day and evening phone number. Just how do you submit an OpEd to the New York Times, The Huffington Post, or the Washington Post? Getting Published In The Huffington Post. See below for more on how to do that.) They are the HuffPost Opinon and HuffPost Personal. Edition. The Op-Ed is a time-honored tradition in the magazine and newspaper industry dating back to the sepia-infused ages of 1970. Do you have a news tip or firsthand account of something to pass along to our reporters? Offerings include . Including local news, political coverage, and more. Share on LinkedIn. Bare in mind that you won't hear back from Huffington Post unless they're interested in publishing your content. Alternatively, you can fax it to +1(212) 556-4100 or send it by mail to the following address: The Op-Ed Page 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018. HuffPost doesn't accept pitches on just any subject, and most of its politics and entertainment coverage is written in-house. Six years after its launch, the blog was sold to AOL for a 9-figure sum. The Huffington Post . The Huffington Post . The HuffPost National team showcases original, unique, reported stories. Hasan's next book is called "How to Win Every . We're not accepting pitches for the Opinion . The Washington Post Opinions section features opinion articles, op-eds, editorials by the Editorial Board, global opinions and letters to the editor on the issues of the day. Mark Gongloff is an editor with Bloomberg Opinion. News U.S. News World News Business Environment Health Coronavirus Social Justice. (Please do not use this address for pitching. The HuffPost National team showcases original, unique, reported stories. Share on Tumblr. They have since launched two new sections that are paid. Read the latest headlines, news stories, and opinion from Politics, Entertainment, Life, Perspectives, and more. Some super helpful pointers that will help your article get accepted by HuffPost: The Huffington Post loves articles that are emotional, so write about personal experiences, feelings, and thoughts. Here's their "How to Submit an Op-Ed Article" page. Submit here. Pitch to us at Submitting an opinion article. Option 1: Check out their "Submitting an Article to Forbes Opinion" page. Submit an Op-Ed. Op-eds: Send in op-ed the same way as letters to the editors. By . To submit an op-ed, email Op-eds may not have been submitted to, posted to or published by any other media. Well, quite a bit before that if you consider that the original "Op-Ed" meant anything opinionated (as opposed to factual) written by the editorial staff that appeared on the opposite page of the Editorial column of a newspaper. Opinion. Here's how to send us a news tip. They typically take around five business days to review articles. [/caption] Elon University sophomore Gabrielle Jasper published an op-ed essay, titled " She's a Size 12, Not Plus-Sized ," in The Huffington Post on Friday, Feb. 20. Pitch to us at Submitting an opinion article. The new Opinion section will feature a mix of regular columnists and one-off guest writers, commissioned by our Opinion editors to produce smart, authentic, timely and rigorous op-eds. We'd like to hear from you. Share on Pinterest. Letters: The Fresno Bee edits letters for brevity, clarity, grammar and accuracy . By submitting a column to USA TODAY and agreeing to its publication, authors are granting exclusive rights to the piece to the USA TODAY Network for 48 hours and non-exclusive rights thereafter. Needs: Opinion pieces and personal . The Op-Ed is a time-honored tradition in the magazine and newspaper industry dating back to the sepia-infused ages of 1970. Founded in 2005 by Arianna Huffington, Jonah Peretti, and Kenneth Lerer, the Huffington Post has become an online staple, publishing daily content on subjects spanning politics, entertainment, world news, sports, and technology. How to submit a piece to the op-ed Submitting an article to Op-Ed. They are the HuffPost Opinon and HuffPost Personal. Share on Tumblr. Please choose your type of submission Letter to the Editor Op-Ed We consider only completed articles and cannot commit to, or provide guidance on, article proposals. The Hill welcomes submissions of opinion articles for publication in print and online. U.S. Here's how to send us a news tip. Sending your submission to multiple outlets is a quick way to damage your relationships with editors and almost no major outlets will consider a piece that is being submitted elsewhere. They are looking for writers to pitch possible article ideas to them for these sections. We'd like to hear from you. In a previous post I shared information on how to write an OpEd. Give Us The Scoop. Opinion. + Fresno Bee (CA) Op-eds: Send in op-ed the same way as letters to the editors. They must include the writer's full name — anonymous op-eds or op-eds written under pseudonyms will not be considered. (Please do not use this address for pitching. Lucy Pasha-Robinson. A rticles tend to be 400-1,200 words long, but they'll consider submissions of any length. He previously was a managing editor of, ran the Huffington Post's business and technology coverage, and was a columnist, reporter and . Well, quite a bit before that if you consider that the original "Op-Ed" meant anything opinionated (as opposed to factual) written by the editorial staff that appeared on the opposite page of the Editorial column of a newspaper. Op-eds and commentary pieces are not direct responses to Inquirer reporting. To submit a letter to the editor, email Topic areas of particular focus are social inequality, politics, economic justice, environment and culture. Submissions should be limited to 800 words. Gabrielle Jasper '17 published an op-ed essay in The Huffington Post concerning issues relating to body image and self-esteem. Our goal is to help our audience better understand the breakneck news cycle, and shed light on stories that aren't getting enough attention. . Letters: 200 words or less. Submit an Op-Ed. The content must be original and exclusive to Forbes. Bare in mind that you won't hear back from Huffington Post unless they're interested in publishing your content. The Huffington Post . They will reject any content already published on other sites or in print. Submit a Letter to the Editor. The work charities like mine do across the world is vital. Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism. Letters should be no longer than 150 words. We prioritize scoops, features and investigations that break new ground and have the potential for significant impact. 2. Read the New York Post's opinion and commentary section on the latest breaking news from op-ed columnists Michael Goodwin, Miranda Devine, and others. See below for more on how to do that.) To submit your idea to Huffington Post, you fill out a Google Form similar to the one Forbes uses. Pieces submitted should be in the range of 600-800 words. Do you have a news tip or firsthand account of something to pass along to our reporters? Stick to a tried-and-tested format, such as how-to and list posts. Arianna Huffington, the influential founder of Huffington Post, has a suggestion for companies struggling to retain workers: find out what matters to them before they join, by conducting an "entry . Description: The Huffington Post (now known as HuffPost) closed its unpaid contributor platform in January 2018. Give Us The Scoop. By .
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