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The Indo-European family of languages 17. beginning of the nineteenth.1 The extensive literature of India, reaching back further than that of any of the European languages, preserves features of the common language much older than most of those of Greek or Latin or German. Most languages in Europe, the Middle-East, and India appear to descend from a common ancestral language known to scholars as "proto-Indo-European," as set forth by William Jones and his work with Sanskrit.This common ancestral language appears to be unrelated to other world languages spoken in China, Vietnam, Korea, Tibet, Africa, indigenous Australia and . The creator of the webcomic Stand Still.Stay Silent, put the illustration together to show why . Today, the Indo-European language family has about 2.6 billion speakers, which constitute about 45% of the world's population, making it the language family with the most significant number of speakers. 1. There are contradictory theories as to how the language came about but research shows that it was first spoken by a community people who lived approximately from 4500 to 2500BC. Contrast this with data from a non-Indogermanic language like Turkish, Japanese, or Tamil for an unrelated language. There are contradictory theories as to how the language came about but research shows that it was first spoken by a community people who lived approximately from 4500 to 2500BC. Although it consists of 446 current languages in Europe and Asia, a percentage of the Indo-European group represents only 6.2% of total languages that are spoken in . The Indo-European language family includes about 150 languages and dialects spoken by about three billion people, including most of the major language families of Europe and western Asia. From the quiz author. It comprises 446 living languages, representing 6.2% of all languages in the world.Some three billion or 46.32% speak the languages belong to the Indo European language family. It is the world's largest language family. Indo-Iranian languages are clustered in. Indo-European. indo-european language family. Europe. The origins of the theory. The term Indo-European was introduced in 1816 by Franz Bopp of Germany and referred to a family of languages in Europe and Asia (including Northern India, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) that were found to have a remarkable structural relationship.It turns out that Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hittite, Old Irish, Gothic, Old Bulgarian, Old Prussian, and other languages share surprising . 1.Germanic 2.Romance 3.Balto-Slavic 4.Indo-Iranian. The first […] Short Essay on the Indo-European Family of Languages. -ry Scholars have long wondered whether most . Language families can be divided into smaller phylogenetic units, conventionally referred to as branches of the family because the history of a language family is often represented as a . The Indo-European languages are a family of related languages that today are widely spoken in the Americas, Europe, and also Western and Southern Asia.Just as languages such as Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian are all descended from Latin, Indo-European languages are believed to derive from a hypothetical language known as Proto-Indo-European, which is no longer spoken. In this lesson, we will explore the Indo-European family of languages. Indo-European language family. Indo-european definition, a large, widespread family of languages, the surviving branches of which include Italic, Slavic, Baltic, Hellenic, Celtic, Germanic, and . There are over 400 languages and dialects belonging to this family. The oldest ancestor of a language family (i.e. Indo-European languages is the most widely spoken family of languages in the world. This family consists of languages spoken in Europe, parts of the Middle East, much of South Asia, as well as places in the Americas. Indo-European synonyms, Indo-European pronunciation, Indo-European translation, English dictionary definition of Indo-European. THE INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGE FAMILY. The term Indo-European is essentially geographical since it refers to the easternmost extension of the family from the Indian subcontinent to its westernmost reach in Europe. Proto-Indo-European Language: Roots & Explanation. What are the4 main branches of Indo-European? The Indo-European languages are spoken as native languages by about half the world's population. investigated of all to date, is the one that Greek belongs to, the one known as the Indo-European language family. Where is the Indo-European Language Family usually thought to have originated? investigated of all to date, is the one that Greek belongs to, the one known as the Indo-European language family. This phenomenon is due either to the Indo-European language being the indigenous language of the country or to the "legacy" of colonialism. Although there are a number of things that are yet to be confirmed about Proto-Indo-European language, a fact that linguists know and understand for sure is the presence of the word b h er in it, which meant to carry or to bear children . Show activity on this post. published on 05 May 2014. Question. Send to Google Classroom: Approximate geographical distribution of the Indo-European language family today in Eurasia. Today it encompasses most of the worlds temperate zone between the subtropics and the arctic circle, although the languages belonging to this group also extend far . Albania, Armenian, Baltic, Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Greek (Hellenic), Iranian (Indo-Iranian), Romance (Italy) What are some branches of the Sino-Tibetan language family? Indo-European languages are the most widely spoken languages: 44% of the world population, or 2.5 billion people, speak a language in the Indo-European family. What are the4 main branches of Indo-European? Instructor: Patricia ONeill. Indo-European is the largest language family, followed by Sino-Tibetan, and lastly Afro-Asiatic. When an average person hears about Indo-European language family, there is little information that is known or understood right until one reads into greater depth about linguistics. Worldwide distribution of Indo-European languages. The Romance subfamily of the Indo-European language family includes _____. The Indo European language family is widely used in many parts of Europe, the Americas, and in Southern and Western Asia. Eleven of the languages with the largest number of native speakers belong to the Indo-European family of languages and make up 1.7 billion of the world's population (these languages are Spanish, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Punjabi, German, French, Marathi . It also includes Persian and Hindi dialects. These languages belong to 94 different language families, that is, groups of languages whose share their origins. The B h er adaptation from Proto-Indo-European. - Albanian (4) - Gheg (1) Albanian, Gheg [aln] (A language of Albania) - Tosk (3) Albanian, Arbëreshë [aae] (A language of Italy) Albanian, Arvanitika [aat] (A language of Greece) Albanian, Tosk [als] (A language of Albania) - Armenian (2) Indo-European languages, family of languages spoken in most of Europe and areas of European settlement and in much of Southwest and South Asia.The term Indo-Hittite is used by scholars who believe that Hittite and the other Anatolian languages are not just one branch of Indo-European but rather a branch coordinate with all the rest put together; thus, Indo-Hittite has been used for a family . The Indo-European languages are spoken by around 48% of the world's population, and the family comprises more than 200 languages. That's nearly 42% of the global population, and it makes Indo-European the most commonly spoken language family. It is easier, for example, to see the What extinct branch of Indo-European was found in Central Asia and Western China? n. 1. a. south asia. The Indo-European languages include some 449 (SIL estimate, 2018 edition) language families spoken by about or more than 3.5 billion people (roughly half of the world population).Most of the major languages belonging to language branches and groups of Europe, and western and southern Asia, belong to the Indo-European language family.Therefore, Indo-European is the biggest language family in . Some of the Indo-European languages look too diverse to be from the same family, while Balkan languages look too similar to be from different families. As there are no written records of this ancient tongue, it is only by comparing its various descendants that we can reconstruct its characteristic features with some accuracy. Learn More about the Indo-European language family. Indo-European peoples and languages. The Indo-European Family of Languages; Subfamily: Group: Subgroup: Languages and Principal Dialects: Anatolian Anatolian languages, subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages (see The Indo-European Family of Languages, table); the term "Anatolian languages" is also used to refer to all languages, Indo-European and non-Indo-European, that were spoken in Anatolia in ancient times. The Indo-European Family of Languages. Its members include the Indo-Aryan &. Indo-European is a family of languages that first spread throughout Europe and many parts of South Asia, and later to every corner of the globe as a result of colonization. STUDY. Greek is another language in the area and a different branch of Indo-European languages. Indo-Iranian languages are clustered in. The Indo-European Languages, a more in-depth overview. Though the information about this parent . As its name suggests there is a connection between India and Europe. by Hayden120. Overall, our results strongly support an Anatolian homeland for the Indo-European language family. The Anatolian languages, of which Hittite is the best attested, date to the last two millennia BC . … And yet, Indo-Iranian and European languages are very different from each other today. There are two competing hypotheses for the origin of the Indo-European language family. What are the nine branches in the Indo-European language family? There has been speculation about possible borrowings from Semitic languages into Indo-European, but none has received widespread scholarly support, as far as . Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, and Bulgarian are all Slavic languages, but very diverse. Distribute a copy of the handout Languages of Europe to each pair. Indo-European is a language family which is comprised of most of the languages of Europe and parts of Asia. The source language, generally called "Proto-Indo-European", was spoken some 6,500 years ago (see the article by J. P. Mallory) and has given rise to several hundred languages, in ten major branches. This family consists of languages spoken in Europe, parts of the Middle East, much of South Asia, as well as places in the Americas. indo-european language family. The four most spoken language branches of the Indo-European family are Germanic, Indo-Iranian, Romance, and Balto-Slavic. Even a layman should be able to see the impressive correspondences layed out in this wikipedia article on Indo-European vocabulary. what is the world's most extensively spoken language family. The family of Anatolian languages is thought to have split off first from Proto-Indo-European, leaving us with what is called post-Anatolian-PIE (Anthony and Ringe 2015, p. 201). Remove Ads. This is a primary family whose existence is well-attested by many… How language families are divided? Illustration. Chinese, Burmese, Tibetan, Thai, (most languages of East Asia) Indo-European is a family of languages (including most of the languages spoken in Europe, India, and Iran) descended from a common tongue spoken in the third millennium B.C. The Indo European family of languages consists of English and a host of other European dialects. There are some similarities in vocabulary, although one reason for that would be borrowing, which. Indo-European Language Family. The family is spoken throughout the vast majority of Europe and in South and Southwest Asia. At this point we can't say for certain that they're genetically related (because historical linguistics is messy and a family tree model . Indo-European is the earliest known parent of the English language. The Romance languages belong to a wider primary language family called the Indo-European languages. (sorry about the quality. Around the world, 3.2 billion people speak an Indo-European language. Answer any . The Indo-European language family is the world's most widely spoken one, both by the number of its speakers (3.2 billion according to Wikipedia) and by the area which it covers. PLAY. Anatolian. This distribution is not complete yet. Minna Sundberg's illustration maps the relationships between Indo-European and Uralic languages. Latin itself, however, evolved from the Indo-European language, an ancient protolanguage, which is the origin of most of the languages spoken in modern Europe and parts of Asia. The Indo-European languages are a widely distributed family of languages, all descended from a hypothetical and partially reconstructable ancestor, the Proto-Indo-European language. Most languages currently spoken on Earth are part of a language family, meaning they are related to each other by sharing a common ancestor language.Of these families, Indo-European is one of the best understood. Expansion. south asia. The Language Tree below shows languages that come from the same origin. Anyway so languages are often related to each other and like biological human families have siblings, descendants and ancestors and the biggest and most important language family of all in the world is the Indo-European language family. The Indo European family of languages consists of English and a host of other European dialects. The Indo-European language family is spoken in most of Europe, European settlements and Southwest, and South Asia. We explore the background of English from the first Indo-Europeans to the first Anglo-Saxons in Britain. One proposed diffusion map (among many)-- this one is from "The Early History of the Indo-European Languages," by Thomas V. Gamkrelidze and V. V. Ivanov (Scientific American, March 1990:110) . the language at the very top of the family tree) is known as the family's proto-language. Languages of this family, native to Eurasia, were spoken in historical times from Iceland to Bengal and Sri Lanka.They have spread by colonialism to become the dominant languages of North America, South America and . The Language s of Europe. This is an online quiz called Indo-European Language Family. The Indo-European Family of Languages. PLAY. You may have noticed that a few languages spoken on the European continent are not included in the Indo-European family of languages. . Most languages currently spoken on Earth are part of a language family, meaning they are related to each other by sharing a common ancestor language.Of these families, Indo-European is one of the best understood. Tell students that Indo-European is the largest and most widespread language family. About half the population of the world speaks an Indo-European language. A Family of Languages. A detailed class on the various branches and descendent languages of Indo-European language family Information about the Indo-European languages Where are the Indo-European languages spoken? The largest is the Indo-European language family, with six sub-families represented in Europe. Answer (1 of 2): There is now a theory that the Uralian family is a sister to Indo-European. Most languages in Europe, the Middle-East, and India appear to descend from a common ancestral language known to scholars as "proto-Indo-European," as set forth by William Jones and his work with Sanskrit.This common ancestral language appears to be unrelated to other world languages spoken in China, Vietnam, Korea, Tibet, Africa, indigenous Australia and . The Indo-European languages are a language family native to western and southern Eurasia.It comprises most of the languages of Europe together with those of the northern Indian subcontinent and the Iranian Plateau.Some European languages of this family, such as English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Danish, Dutch, and Spanish, have expanded through colonialism in the modern period and are now . Definition . Divide students into pairs. STUDY. Have partners read the passage and sketch a diagram of the Indo-European language family tree. 2y. In 1786, Sir William Jones, a British judge working in India, proposed a common ancestor for Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Persian, German, and Celtic. The proto-language of this family (known as "Proto-Indo-European" or simply "Indo-European") emerged in far eastern Europe, from . The second is the Finno-Ugric family, with three languages represented in Northeast Europe and eastern Europe. The inferred location ( Figure 1 ) and timing (7,116-10,410 BP 95% highest posterior density [HPD]) of Indo-European origin is congruent with the proposal that the family began to diverge with the spread of agriculture from Anatolia 8,000 . Learn the early distribution of Indo-European linguistic groups! Hints for Eastern Eurasian ancestry: -> Paternal haplogroup R deriving from Eastern Eurasia (South East Asia) -> Current Ancient North Eurasian samples have significant East Eurasian ancestry -> ANE contributed largely to the East European Hunter Gatherers Big question would be whether Tarim mummies were Indo-Europeans and could they have spoken Tocharian related languages? The closest relatives of English are highlighted, including the Germanic languages, Latin and Greek. It is the primary language family in the United States. Indo european , the term was derived for the language family , as we have indo persian ,indo germanic and other language family roots. The family of languages is the second-oldest in the world, only behind the Afroasiatic family (which includes the languages of ancient Egypt and . The conventional view places the homeland in the Pontic steppes about 6000 years ago. A look at the family tree of Indo-European languages and the relationship of English to those related languages. There's actually some evidence to suggest that the Uralic languages (ancestor of Hungarian, Finnish, Saami, and Estonian) diverged from an even older Indo-Uralic tongue. In fact, most of Europe and many parts of Asia speak an Indo-European language. The third family is represented by one language spoken in the northwestern Spain in the Pyrennees mountains, Basque. That's because both languages are part of the Indo-European language family.

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