– autistic men will have a masculinity index between 8 and 13, putting many outside of the range of normal men ), love traditionally female stories (e.g., my leather-bound Jane Austen collection), and so forth. Oddly, this paper came after their more famous AI that could successfully play Atari games.. So this less-noisy-prediction plus the sensors gives you a still less noisy estimate of step 3. Also I just had really low expectations – the introduction of the copy I had made him out to be tremendously obscure and difficult, so I was expecting something basically unreadable, and it was just hard. It definitely seems to match the very popular gender narrative where men are assumed to be brutes whom women are supposed to ‘fix’ and/or steer into acting well. There’s consistent evidence with the arrows of causation going in all sorts of wrong directions: Libertarians have the most “masculine” style, liberals the most “feminine.” We used Simon Baron-Cohen’s measures of “empathizing” (on which women tend to score higher) and “systemizing”, which refers to “the drive to analyze the variables in a system, and to derive the underlying rules that govern the behavior of the system.” Men tend to score higher on this variable. 43.6k members in the slatestarcodex community. Learning. Given that imagination seems to be sort of free-riding on complicated machinery that is needed just to explain perception, I wonder what inferences one can draw about animal consciousness. Schizophrenics are also famous for not being fooled by the “hollow mask” (below) and other illusions where top-down predictions falsely constrain bottom-up evidence. Who is Scott Alexander and what is he about? I’m always on the lookout for new mental models that can be potentially benificial. It might be necessary to pare down the graphics to wireframe or similar. This provides power and, when the wave breaks, it does not catch her. That means, reduce their confidence intervals? But it is not ideal. Larger Levenshtein distance, perhaps—i.e. It’s a well-known result in statistics / machine-learning that tabula rasa learning is impossible — you have to have something to bootstrap off of, although that “something” may be nothing more than an expectation of some sort of regularity (or smoothness, for predicting continuous outcomes from continuous predictors). Related paper (well, chapter): Schwarz 2010, Feelings-as-Information Theory. Slate Star Codex was a blog by Scott Alexander about human cognition, politics, and medicine. Or is this sooo ordinary a joke here that one doesn’t mention it? Similarly, if one would use some commitment device to gain a lot of social experience, probably most of these anxieties could go away faster, as the brain learns these are really improbable and does not predict them. Their goal is to minimize surprisal – to become so good at predicting the world (conditional on the predictions sent by higher levels) that nothing ever surprises them. Thanks for this insight. Not that I’m complaining, it’s interesting, but you seem more excited this time. Karl Friston is playing a trick there: if you can read the math, you notice that under the “active inference” algorithm for “self-organizing action”, you can specify a prior corresponding to any possible preference over distal states. Then he put the subjects in a group with confederates; all of the confederates gave the same wrong answer. Consequently, when there is somebody behind me asking a question about rspec tests, I would ordinarily notice this and be distracted by it. problem of consciousness? Unsupervised learning is when nobody’s around to tell you, and it’s what humans do all the time. After umpteen zillion cycles, everyone has the right hypotheses, nobody is surprised by anything, and the brain rests and moves on to the next task. Bit of a Tangent on Stitcher There’s an interesting analogy to vision here, where the center of your vision is very clear, and the outsides are filled in in a top-down way – I have a vague sense that my water bottle is in the periphery right now, but only because I kind of already know that, and it’s more of a mental note of “water bottle here as long as you ask no further questions” than a clear image of it. tl;dr: there’s a type of epilepsy where afterwards, you report feeling extremely happy, Many people also report feeling complete certainty in how the world works (i.e. Go and be stock traders? You’ve read a lot of words. How did that happen? -In learning to read, the rich get richer. When the picture was posted earlier in this blog, I said that I was questioning, but probably not trans (because how can a hairy gorilla like me not be a man? (This is a stored riff. A few of the symptoms that I have habitually defined as part of that anxiety now worry me–hah–more, because they seem related to this perceptual cascade of prediction. Men are disposable, women aren’t. Given that we’ve got a top-notch world-simulator plus perception-generator in our heads, it shouldn’t be surprising when we occasionally perceive ourselves in simulated worlds. (The expression “like riding a bike” comes to mind…). They’d be happening anyway if you weren’t expecting them, but the brain would hide them as noise. (For the record: I’m blind to the spinning-mask illusion in the GIF above, and apparently this is correlated with transness. But I don’t see that reflected in the post. They also have some internal notion of which category they themselves ought to fall into, and then start filling their own empty identity category with the behaviors of people who they recognize as members of that sex and that gender. So now my favourite uncle wasn’t and I had to actively signal my basic value to my own Christian grandmother. Classic examples are visual illusions; even when you become convinced that the two lines in the Muller illusion are identical length (i.e. What counts as “womanly” clothing, gestures, or social treatment is obviously arbitrary, and part of an oppressive, senseless caste system. That said, they also have somewhat different sensory systems. Like for throwing and catching things, I just think “let the monkey do it”, and watch in slight awe as I catch a ball or hit a target with no conscious effort. Not really (some “excessive social anxiety” and some “constricted affect” but, well, those are pretty standard for ASDs; otherwise nope). I remember thinking “Oh this is neat” when I was implementing it in code for a small project. That phenomenon came to mind strongly as I was reading this post. There’s something suggestive about generative adversarial networks that seems to be going on here, but they’re clearly not quite the same thing. In system 2 I knew this was obviously ridiculous and unlikely but part of me was a bit terrified for the next 4-6 hours that my acquaintance had it in for me. She didn’t reply. (Is anything known about whether a dog can imagine a house? If you arrived via a URL that has an anchor link on the end, like "/#132c", then make sure you wait and/or refresh, to make sure that you get jumped to the beginning of the intended section of the document. Is this the case? > how many times have I repeated the the word “the” in this paragraph alone without you noticing? We can accept that we may be misreading “PARIS IN THE THE SPRINGTIME” while remaining confident that we wouldn’t misread “PARIS IN THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE SPRINGTIME” as containing only one “the”. how many times have I repeated the the word “the” in this paragraph alone without you noticing? What about transgenderism? This part is almost funny. She is trying to find solace in the hospital, but things are always about the opposite. Let’s give some examples. Be very careful about seeking help, sushi. Actually we’re just double counting evidence. Theories or guesses about how things internally work (concepts) are tested on other humans in the same way – for reference, see this blog. Assuming this isn’t a meme, I’m pretty sure this is a tense error in the first paragraph. Could someone post this as a comment to the SSC post (I don't want this associated with my real name for obvious reasons and it's really annoying to make a fake account on SSC proper. And in case you were wondering – yes, schizophrenics can tickle themselves. powered by. This is near-miraculous. But that's not all! Otherwise, you’ve failed to explain how people fail to do things which they decide to do. Either way, it’s definitely a computer. Being a child of farm kid parents meant that I had a strong expectation that others would naturally share and be aware of my background belief that you should be strong. For more fun, the size of each anagram equivalence class, in my random word list: 1: 89371 (the word is only an anagram of itself) * Penises and testicles seem pretty inconvenient. Bit of a Tangent is back! Who’s the ‘you’ (in the first sentence) or the ‘I’ (in the second sentence) that’s doing the predicting? So how to find genuinely interesting things? It seems like “vesicle breaks at the membrane surface, chemical is released into intercellular gap, chemical fits into place like a puzzle piece in a specific chemical receptor on the receiving cell’s cell membrane, membrane gate/pump opens to effect a change in charge between the receiving cell and the surrounding space” would be quite a bottleneck, but in fact, given the sizes involved, it happens at the speed of, well, thought. Concentrations equalize across small cavities practically instantly, and the release mechanism for neurotransmitters is very fast. Good point, not sure. An example of this you might be familiar with–if you regularly have to switch between different keyboards or typing conventions. ADHD is not the lack of attention but the lack of the ability to control attention. Note that all the novelty we crave is at a coarse level. Generative adversarial networks are pretty similar to this idea. Predictive processing begins by asking: how does this happen? Similar degrees of structure is probably also imposed on other parts of the brain we understand less well – maybe trying to make higher reasoning without understanding this structure would be like trying to use a completely unstructured neural net for vision. It is likely that a decent number of adults also have this to an extreme extent, which would explain that kind of social anxiety. People who talk with others a LOT socially learn a gazillion of stories, and learn that stories like "cops got called on me for trivial reasons" and "people talk shit behind my back" happen far rarer to other people than "people have family emergencies" or "people talk about how they themselves can be cooler, not how others are less cool". The bottom-up stream starts out as all that incomprehensible light and darkness and noise that we need to process. ADHD life is a big deja vu, I saw all, know all, and nothing is interesting anymore, like a movie watched 100 times. Became really sensitive to light. Schizophrenics’ brains try to produce hypotheses that explain all of these prediction errors and reduce surprise – which is impossible, because the prediction errors are random. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generative_adversarial_networks. Even pressure keeps people grounded, and makes them feel safe. Given that top-down processing is less taxing than bottom-up processing, we may further expect that happy participants’ reliance on the script allows them to do better on a secondary task. 09/03 - Open Thread 83.5. When I brought up possible differential diagnosis rates of autism between women and men, I was thinking more along the lines of autism being stereotyped as a “boy thing,” and so girls with similar traits are more likely to be missed or diagnosed with something else. Beautifully written. But if you watch the video with the prompt “Look for something strange happening in the midst of all this basketball-playing”, you see the gorilla immediately. Your development forces your brain to have a high-precision expectation of maleness, and you were born male, you become a “manly man”. So what do small children experience? Secondly: In a previous post, I seem to remember that autism may be caused by an overactive alarm on the comparison between the top down and bottom up streams (alarming where the results are actually close enough, and do not require an alarm), where as schizophrenia was the result of overactive “cooking the books” mechanism (where the top down adjust the bottom up stream to suit itself where it should actually be alarming and saying that things don’t fit). 2) Bayesian nonparametrics provide “infinite” hypothesis spaces that are nonetheless designed to concentrate quickly around previously-observed hypotheses. It makes sense that you can do things by expecting them to happen, because the part of the world doing the thing is under your control. The model would also predict, more specifically, autistic people’s sensory strengths. So if you take a pill that doctors assure you will cure your pain, then your lower layers are more likely to interpret pain signals as noise, “cook the books” and prevent them from reaching your consciousness. Each week, two aspiring rationalists bring you mind-bending ideas from science, philosophy, artificial intelligence, and medicine. But if the brain is actually communicating that data to itself by having some cells emit actual molecules of substance, and other cells absorb those molecules — how fast can that happen, really? Predictively the sky is really simple while in detail it is a vast array of strong signals without boundaries. Scott was probably alluding to something that, when taken to the extreme, results in people calling for us to decolonize the sciences. She reminded me even though she was asleep and didn’t even remember the next morning. The precise claim is that the imperative is to minimize prediction error, period. The neurons involved will fire, indicating “surprisal” – a gratuitiously-technical neuroscience term for surprise. Your distinctions aren’t complete. Then each level uses Bayes’ Theorem to integrate these two sources of probabilistic evidence as best it can. It’s kind of amazing to think that brains can do both fine grained differential geometry as well as coarse grained algebraic topology (in addition to probability and analysis). Or, in evolutionary terms, an added benefit to any creature that works via obeying its own predictions — it’s a really effective mechanism for that creature to learn habits. I. Bayes' Theorem is an equation for calculating certain kinds of conditional probabilities. That’s on the extreme end, but it’s replicated across Reptilia (Amphibia is more complex because of metamorphosis, but it’s replicated in direct-developing species like Plethodontid salamanders and Eleutherodactylid frogs). I’m leaving out a lot of stuff about the motor system, debate over philosophical concepts with names like “enactivism”, descriptions of how neurons form and unform coalitions, and of course a hundred pages of apologia along the lines of “this may not look embodied, but if you squint you’ll see how super-duper embodied it really is!”. Particularly the kind of positive-thinking visualisations that involve motor skills, like repeatedly visualising yourself doing a perfect dive or a perfect tennis serve. Getting pinched by someone else hurts me much more when I try to do it myself. >So (and I’m asserting this, but see Chapters 4 and 5 of the book to hear the scientific case for this position) if you want to lift your arm, your brain just predicts really really strongly that your arm has been lifted, and then lets the lower levels’ drive to minimize prediction error do the rest. And doing. Why can you slap yourself and pinch yourself? You need sensors, and sometimes those sensors are a lot less exact that the speed gauge on your car. trouble standing). However, in probability terms, by forgetting the dimensionality of the observable sample space when we’ve actually eliminated information the generative model needs to learn. Taken to a very far extreme, we get things like What The ! They greatly favored not helping as their driver would fix their car/carriage and people of the time also insisted that women would not help fix the car/carriage. Under this model, the “prediction” of a movement isn’t just the idle thought that a movement might occur, it’s the actual motor program. Following up on this discussion [Designing an animal-like brain: black-box "deep learning algorithms" to solve problems, with an (approximately) Bayesian "consciousness" or "executive functioning organ" that attempts to make sense of all these inferences], Mike Betancourt writes:. Rao (2006) Perception as Bayesian Inference edited by David C. Knill and Whitman Richards (1996) (Tbh I’m reluctant to introspect too hard about it in case it throws off the well-working stuff. A more ambiguous example of “perception as controlled hallucination”. There comes from Scott Alexander's blog news of a new unified theory of neural cognition called the "predictive processing model". The goggles would be messing with output. Then it takes your previous estimated state, one time-step back, forward-predicts, and uses that as another noisy measurement, with the noise being the confidence of the last state estimate, plus the ‘process noise’ involved in predicting the future. Thanks for writing this up for us, Scott! Anyone else think this describes them? Sometimes it's on the border of possible-at-all reading. I’ve always thought that in a transhumanist utopia they/we will wear any bodies we want to, maybe with a set of favorite ones (this large female house cat, that guy and the purple bucket-on-wheels at the corner are my favs). This was done by Vladlen Koltun in this paper. Kant could have done with some snappier terminology, to be fair. This means that motor commands have been replaced by (or as I would rather say, implemented by) proprioceptive predictions. Women can wear pants or a skirt and still generally be considered feminine. Rate this book. These participants, who made up a distinct minority (only 12 subjects), expressed the belief that the confederates’ answers were correct, and were apparently unaware that the majority were giving incorrect answers. My point is that the person is strangely certain of a position that admittedly directly contradicts lived experience. Here’s my guess: the PP system was designed for navigating the concrete world, where our beliefs are pretty good relative to the noise in the sense data. Aug 14. It just seems like more examples. Like “spread the floor” for squatting without collapsing knees and “bend the bar” for bench pressing with the elbows tucked. Particular areas of investigation are "Which classes of functions can deep neural nets approximate well in principle?"; "Why can they quickly learn functions which have very small training loss?"; and "Why do the . PP isn’t exactly blank slatist, but it’s compatible with a slate that’s pretty fricking blank. Large chunks of our (well, mammals’) early visual processing are mostly feed-forward, taking in sense data and doing some quasi-fixed computation to it, with feedback signals coming down from higher levels of abstraction on a timescale much longer than a single feedforward step. I am indeed philosophically opposed to the idea that you can define “woman” by those things, and I stand by the validity and importance of challenging gender norms. In the PP model, dopamine making things more interesting i.e. Okay. So Dupoux et al had Japanese and French speakers listen to made-up words like ebzo and ebuzo, with varying lengths of u, to see at what point they would perceive the u. Fun quotes from some authors (taken from the linked paper): “I see my characters like actors in a movie. How’s that for prediction? If suddenly given sight, could the blind person naturally connect the visual appearance of a cube to her own concept “cube”, which she derived from the way cubes feel? A necklace might work. Their motivation for opposing women dressing as men is commonly linked to a desire that women don’t behave like men, which makes sense from their perspective, as (male) clothing was often tailored to the job. Maybe it’s over fitting a theory, but I like it. Which is kind of interesting. I had been on the way to shower, did not fall, did not lie down, but ended up lying down will-less on the floor looking towards the stove. I can’t help thinking here of Molyneux’s Problem, a thought experiment about a blind-from-birth person who navigates the world through touch alone. 1. It seemed to me that she enjoyed it, but when it was over, her pleasure just evaporated as though it never happened. The simplest type of feedback follows the same connections and weights as feedforward reasoning. 4.41 avg rating — 1,214 ratings. And misgendering me is one of the few guaranteed ways to send me into a frothing rage. Having just read your relayed comment on ssc, I find myself worried that some friends irl will happen on it as well, and come to the conclusion that this was obviously me posting about some recent minor drama. Also worth noting, as is done very tersely in this essay, is how much humans rely on other minds for concept-and-data verification. 'Book Review Surfing Uncertainty Slate Star Codex May 8th, 2018 - In the same vein this is Rick Astley's "Never Going To Give You Up" repeated again and again for ten hours you can find some weird stuff on YouTube The first hour maybe you find yourself humming along occasionally'' evict com florida landlord tenant law evictions leases Heh! In system 2 I knew this was obviously ridiculous and unlikely but part of me was a bit terrified for the next 4-6 hours that my acquaintance had it in for me. Check out their free anti-anxiety guide here. Then when something else happens – like the camera panning out, or the airplane making a slight change in trajectory – you focus entirely on that, the blinking lights and movement entirely forgotten or at least packed up into “airplane continues on its blinky way”. When Scott started doing that I spent a few months being more careful reading through his posts to watch for that. The brain’s task is not dissimilar. I broke it when I was young, by slowly collecting more experience about human behavior and also working on my self-esteem (via making a fit sexy body) so my predictions, even when lacking data, were more positive ("those dudes must be totally jealous of my looks, that is why they are looking this way and whispering"), I think finding a way to quickly get a lot of social experience would teach your prediction system that people are actually too immersed in their own problems and interests to really pay any attention to you any way, that you are for almost everybody simply unimportant. Against the conception of transcendental consciousness as a pure spectator correlated with the world, Merleau-Ponty insists that mind is an accomplishment of structural integration that remains essentially conditioned by the matter and life in which it is embodied. Incidentally, the Kalman Filter (or more properly a number of optimal-control systems that exploit it) was essentially developed in order to get us to the Moon. If you think you’ve found a theory that explains everything, at least check for critiques by domain experts: Gender-atypical people who process bottom-heavy might be more likely to notice a persistent mismatch between the social expectations of their gender, and their actual gender-atypical presentation, and choose to transition or ID as nonbinary based on that. I think it's safe to say that if anyone came here wanting to abduct someone, whatever they use can temporarily shut a. English likes syllables with codas (Bob, cat, dog), but Japanese hates them (unless the coda is n). This is why Japanese words always end with a vowel (or an n). What Universal Human Experinces Are You Missing? (All very much tongue in cheek, of course. I thought they predicted pixel values, but I guess I misremembered. This is a really poor book review of Surfing Uncertainty, because I only partly understood it. Until eventually the integral term gets strong enough to apply enough gas to keep the car at 60mph without any help from the proportional control. (My two year old is the same: “Stop!” Okay I stopped. women are considered the more lustful sex or men the more flamboyantly expressive. Parts of it are ultimately unsatisfactory, but apparently this is true of everything, so whatever. . So if you wanted to build a visual cortex in your garage, it’s not enough to just know that it should have hierarchy and try to process the data and make predictions that have low surprise factor, you might have to have a bunch of structure imposed on it from the start that has something to do with what the sensory processing task is like (and machine learning research seems to bear this out). Technical point: Op was probably joking (“luxury queer space communist utopia”), so you’re probably the first to prophecise on that point. Doesn’t really answer your question, but it is messing with output. Having a well-articulated theory that brings all this together, and even includes disorders and neurotransmitters is just crazy. I find it really interesting that there appears to be a rigourous foundation behind my idle thoughts, and I’m excited to see where this goes. All in all, solid work, although as usual these modern ideas would have a much easier time getting off the ground if they started their investigation by seeing what some of the smartest people from past generations had to say when confronted with the same exact issues. All of that time encouraged him to start Easy Company Outfitters, a bout… We start with a presentation of a summary of the article, and then discuss in a friendly atmosphere. I’ve been startled awake by a sense of falling, but I don’t think that comes from dreams. However, the profile of the writer's scores was different than it is with schizophrenics. And it’s comprehensive, scholarly, and very good at giving a good introduction to the theory and why it’s so important. Glad you can get rid of that psychological stress. Once they figure out what they are (spoiler) the scene becomes obvious and coherent. And you could argue that since men’s clothing is considered a signal of higher status, then wearing men’s clothing is claiming that higher status, so that once the barrier to ‘lower status’ claimants is overcome, then it becomes acceptable. I was an undergraduate philosophy major at one of the few schools in the United States with a program that taught continental philosophy. This has been proven mathematically. Or maybe the bottom-up is so screwy that it messes with everything else? I was coming to say something similar. This gets kind of awkward, since the predictive processing model isn’t really a natural match for embodiment theory, and describes a brain which is pretty embodied in some ways but not-so-embodied in others. I can’t possibly do justice to the whole of Surfing Uncertainty, which includes sections in which it provides lucid and compelling PP-based explanations of hallucinations, binocular rivalry, conflict escalation, and various optical illusions. Truth is, I hope various abstractions are useful for a while in psychiatric practice, but I have very little hope that they’re fundamentally true. Surfing Uncertainty describes minds as hierarchies of prediction engines. The real picture says “PARIS IN THE THE SPRINGTIME” (note the duplicated word “the”!). This experiment suggests that this leaves fairly significant blindspots, even if less extreme than literally a man in a gorilla suit beating his chest in the middle of the scene. – autism causes an increase in masculinity by 3 points, Then: You are in complete control over your arm, it’s pretty well wired up with control systems. Also probably quite hard to read. Italics because that’s really freaking surprising, and as enthusiastic as Andy Clark is, in his most recent work on Predictive Processing (“Happily Entangled”), he doesn’t quite buy it. Nobody else noted you closed the open ‘(‘ ? I have been able to just look around easily as well which is amazing and is bringing back old memories of that feeling. 'book review surfing uncertainty slate star codex . Next funny thing: it is well known that while stimulants, dopamine uppers, make neurotypicals more excited, they actually calm down ADHD people. Sometimes I have the fantasy of being able to glut myself on Knowledge. I was excited for the brief time I thought my brain might have the untapped potential to generate entire books in seconds. Nihilists need to tackle the problem of how nothing arises out of something. Then it barks. Some findings suggest that this is through screwing with prediction calculations in the insula, supressing error detection which results in huge doses of happiness. – almost all men have a masculinity index between 5 and 10 For example, imagine that * Which is not necessarily desirable anyway, since they exist for a good reason. So how do you put together a fully functioning sensorimotor system without any decent feedback or input? Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm with a focus on technology and collaborative problem solving. Voodoo psychology suggests that culture and expectation tyrannically shape our perceptions. So this implies that to build a visual cortex, we need some understanding that tells us how much prediction to do, and where. Since the “prior” specifying preference or goal has to come from somewhere, the theory is just completely failing to address value or affect as such. The whole myelination bit around axons is meant to speed up that transmission as much as possible, especially for motor neurons.
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