dufferin county official plan

Dufferin County has given the public multiple methods and opportunities for the public to provide input on the official plan. If necessary, reference should be made to the . The review process also requires the County to revisit important policies, such as the location and type of housing, access to a wide range of jobs, protection of natural areas and support for agricultural uses. General Business 1. Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) held . An Official Plan provides an overarching policy direction on how land in the community should be used by upper-tier, lower-tier, and single tier municipalities. To find out more, read our privacy policy and cookie policy. The Ad-Hoc Planning Advisory Committee is a community task force with a purpose to assist in completing the Official Plan update and outstanding goals of the Strategic Plan. An Official Plan is a broad policy document designed to guide land use development in a community, and Orangeville's review, with costs that will be recovered through development charges rather than property taxes, will include a land needs assessment undertaken by a consultant. Excerpt from County of Dufferin Official Plan - Schedule 'B' Figure 8. Growth Plan Natural Heritage System Mapping Figure 6. Planning staff have been meeting regularly about the MCR via video conference during pandemic restrictions. Dufferin County is undertaking a review of its Official Plan! Dufferin County Official Plan - Appendix 2 - Source Water Protection (1.16 MB) (pdf) County Official Plan Office Consolidation 2017. Official Plan Amendment No.8 . • Official Plan Amendments No. This document represents the consolidated Official Plan for the Town of Mono Planning Area. This represents an increase in 23,265 people and 7,646 jobs according to the 2016 Census data. a new Dufferin County Official Plan and a Development . A cookie is information stored on your computer by a website you visit. the official plan review requirements of the Planning Act and to align the Town's OP with more recent changes to Provincial and County planning policy (i.e., a new 2014 Provincial Policy Statement and new 2015 Dufferin County Official Plan), as well as other legislative changes that had occurred since the previous OP review. Learn more about our Privacy and Cookie policies. As per the GDPR law, companies need to get your explicit approval to collect your data. Zoning By-Law. Dufferin County Official Plan - Schedule E1 -Natural Heritage System TRAFFIC AND HAUL ROUTE 14 6. Zoning By-Law Amendment, Temporary Use By-law and Holding Zone Removal. As an upper-tier municipality, Dufferin County is responsible for managing growth and providing guidance on land use planning for the County's eight lower-tier municipalities. The County Plan was most recently consolidated on July 17, 2017 and implements the PPS and various Provincial Plans affecting the County. Includes review of background information and collecting data to inform policy options and recommendations moving forward. The Greenbelt in Dufferin County is home to significant natural, rural, and agricultural systems and resources that must Tuesday March 3, 2020 at 6:30pm to 8:30pm. %���� Several site-specific appeals to the Official Plan remain in effect. In reviewing the Defined Terms established in the Glossary (Section 14A.5) we note the following: a. They also provide technical comments and advice with respect to policy documents, development applications, storm water management, and protecting natural heritage systems at a local level. 8 requires approval from the County of Dufferin, which is the approval authority under the Planning Act. Comments on Draft OPA 41 1. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings and refresh the page. Monora Park Pavillion, 500 Monora Park Drive, Mono. The Official Plan is a key document which establishes the goals, objectives and land use policies to ensure that future needs of the community are met. Given that Site Alteration is a defined term in OPA 41, it is recommended that County of Dufferin Official Plan (2014) Town of Grand Valley Official Plan (Consolidated 2014) 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND SURROUNDING LAND USES The subject lands are located in the southern portion of the Grand Valley urban settlement area. W. & M. Edelbrock Centre, 30 Centre Street, Orangeville, ON L9W 2X1. Figure 7: Dufferin County Official Plan . Planning and Development Applications of County Interests: Cookies often store your settings for a website, such as your preferred language or location. 1 0 obj Fillable Version of the Official Plan Amendment. Consultant Jennifer Kirkham presented the details of the four-year Community Safety . As an upper-tier municipality, Dufferin County is responsible for managing growth and providing guidance on land use planning for the County’s eight lower-tier municipalities. This provides the workforce needed to support our thriving local and regional economy. Simcoe County Official Plan Map Schedules 4 0 obj g�>��#J��8Ɓ��o�8l�q�����lG݌ׄJ��#�vp�Q�Ή�0�C���O|'��������c�gi�'�(�I�KE2N�iG$~z�~���8"�m㚤�(�ص£�#��I�;�)�Bp%�JЎ�R����.ZJ�aD3��Ur(�}n����v�8%���$j��˃�5f�ҩ"���$/��sKL8^�����p�n ��!.o��k�1o�a�fT� 8 (OPA#8). Dufferin County Official Plan (2017) The subject property falls within the Urban Settlement Area under Schedules A (Provincial Plan Areas) and B (Community Structure and Land Use) of the County Official Plan. It straddles the famous Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. These include the hosting of a public meeting and a public open house , distribution of surveys , in addition to forming a Stakeholder Advisory Committee . At the time of the Official Most of this growth is to be directed to the serviced settlement areas of the County. Through this Plan, County Council will outline a long-term vision for Wellington County's communities and resources. By James Matthews - Dufferin County's Official Plan may have measures to ensure it has a voice regarding large-scale pit and quarry developments inside its . Dufferin County Councillors have had a look at the first official safety and well-being plan for the community. Mono experiences strong growth pressure as a desirable location for spinoff development from the Greater Toronto Area. Dufferin County: Town of Orangeville. The Dufferin County Official Plan is a statement of goals, objectives and policies intended to guide future land use, physical development, and growth within the boundaries of the County. The County Official Plan is a legal document intended to give direction over the next 20 years, to the physical development of the County, its local municipalities and to the long term protection of County resources. AGRICULTURE 11 4. 3 0 obj To that end, the Official Plan aids the County in identifying where infrastructure like roads, watermains, sewers, garbage dumps, parks and other services will be built. An Official Plan provides an overarching policy direction on how land in the community should be used by upper-tier, lower-tier, and single tier municipalities. 519-941-2816 ext. The County is currently reviewing the Official Plan and one of the Key areas when updating this document is to protect and preserve AGRICULTURE!This includes the Review of the Provincial Agricultural System Mapping with the local municipalities to determine what areas should be protected and where some conflicts and adjustments may be needed. The intent of the Urban Settlement Area designation is to function as the primary center for On Tuesday, Dufferin stakeholders divided across a number of tables at the pavilion. Details of a proposed development by Flato on the west side of Shelburne were outlined at Dufferin County council on Oct. 14. . By-Law 2015-16 contains detailed information on the conditions which Orangeville and Mono are exempt from the approval of the County. Dufferin County Official Plan. As a result, land use designations, zoning and environmental protection policies are established at the local municipal level and vary somewhat among the eight local municipalities that make up Dufferin County (Table 10). A list of the site-specific appeals, current as of December 29th, 2016, identifies the appellant and the location of lands subject to the appeal on Schedule 5.1. Official Plan Schedules are available below. We use social media cookies from Facebook, Twitter and Google to run Widgets, Embed Videos, Posts, Comments and to fetch profile information. building@dufferincounty.ca. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. 2 0 obj As an upper-tier municipality, Dufferin County is responsible for managing growth and providing guidance on land use planning for the County’s eight lower-tier municipalities. Official Plan Amendment to County of Dufferin for final approval - May 2016 . The natural heritage policies in OPA 41 will broadly protect, conserve, and enhance the Town's natural heritage features and areas and will also provide the local basis for a future County-wide NHS to be undertaken as part of the Dufferin County Official Plan Municipal Comprehensive Review. A zoning by-law is a regulatory Council approved document which establishes the permitted uses and development standards for specific areas or 'zones.'. endobj 2.3 Growth Plan for the Greater 7 Golden Horseshoe 2.4 Niagara Escarpment Plan 7 2.5 Dufferin County Official Plan 7 2.6 Town of Mono Official Plan 7 2.7 Town of Mono Zoning By-law 7 2.8 Summary of Policy Considerations 7 3. The purpose of this Amendment is to ensure the Township of East Garafraxa Official Plan is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS 2020) and to bring the Plan into conformity with the County of Dufferin Official Plan, the Credit Valley-Toronto and Region - Central Lake Ontario (CTC) Source Protection Plan; and the Grand River . The Dufferin County Official Plan ("County Plan") was approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing ("MMAH") on March 27, 2015. Unable to load //dufferincounty.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/96f8b13d2a284f769802ffdd328de455?f=json status: 403 The Official Plan provides general land use policy document . He outlined next steps in the MCR process and ways in which WSP, consultants hired by the county, and Dufferin staff have adapted to overcome pandemic restrictions. Nancy Tuckett . Comments on Draft OPA 41 1. Conservation Authorities represent provincial interest in regards to natural hazards under the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014. Public Meeting & Special Meeting of Council March 12th, 2020. From the assessment, the majority of planners indicated that reviewing official plans would be a useful role . Where will people work? Official Plan. 1 Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan . In reviewing the Defined Terms established in the Glossary (Section 14A.5) we note the following: a. • October 2020: Town staff consulted with County of Dufferin staff regarding the scheduling of a pre-application meeting, as the County is the approval authority for the proposed amendment to the Town's Official Plan. Dufferin County Official Plan - Appendix 3 - Potential Forest Hazard Orangeville Official Plan Review . This consolidation has been prepared as of November 2018 for reference purposes only, and does not include any amendments approved subsequent thereto. The primary purpose of the County's Municipal Comprehensive Review is to update the Official Plan to ensure conformity with Provincial policies, have regard . x����n�@��-��Үʲ�E"�*�i ���4��RC(�*��;kHIb[�s�v׃�ٙݟ��6�5��t'�� hw�X� Y�;�^zz Since 2010, 14 site-specific and policy Official Plan amendments have been approved. This allows the site to present you with information customized to fit your needs. By: The County of Dufferin Tags: Description: Official Plan for the County of Dufferin As an upper tier municipality, the County of Dufferin Official Plan provides policy guidelines for the: Township of Amaranth Township of East Garafraxa Town of Grand Valley Township of Melancthon Town of Mono Township of . Growth Plan Agricultural System Map Figure 7. Dufferin County is the approval authority for local Official Plan Amendments, except for those for the Town of Orangeville and the Town of Mono (subject to conditions). e.g. endobj Conservation authorities are watershed-based resource management agencies that play an important role in the land use planning and development process. The fertile ground offers plenty of opportunity for agriculture and the steep slopes of the escarpment offer vistas unparalleled in the County. The urban settlement (4 ) APPROVAL OF PLAN AMENDMENTS The adopted Plan Amendment shall be submitted by Council, under Section 23 or 24 of the Planning Act, to the Minister for approval or to the County of Dufferin . A zoning by-law is a precise and inflexible document, which must be in conformity with the Township's Official Plan. Plan and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, do not restrict growth."10 The Greenbelt helps make Dufferin County a great place to live, work, play, and do business. The MCR project is a step toward updating the county's Official Plan. Dufferin County Official Plan Review has finished this stage Q4 2019-Q2 2020. 3.3 Dufferin County Official Plan (2017 Office Consolidation) According to Schedule B1: Community Structure and Land Use, the majority of the property is within the Urban Settlement Area of Grand Valley whereby policies outlined within Section 3.3.2 of the Official Plan (OP) area are applicable. While one single residential dwelling is permitted on an existing lot in the Agricultural Area designation (County OP, s. 4.2.2(c)), a consent to create a new residential lot is not permitted according to the County Official Plan. Contact us for any help on browser support. AND TAKE NOTICE that Official Plan Amendment No. Official Plans contain the goals and objectives of the community and establish policies to direct the form, location, nature and rate of growth and change over a set period of time - typically a 20 year planning horizon. Source: Dufferin County Official Plan (2017) Figure 2: Map of Dufferin County Dufferin County (population ~61,000) is an upper-tier municipal government located in Central Ontario, north-west of Toronto. Letter from MMM Group dated May 12, 2014, Subject: County of Dufferin Official Plan: Joint County Council Workshop (May 1, 2014) 2. QUALITY/QUANTITY OF AGGREGATE 13 4.1 Quality 13 4.2 Quantity 13 5. Generally, the County OP aims to foster the creation of complete communities, direct growth to settlement areas, protect Our population's steady growth creates an expanding workforce and new opportunities for employment and recruitment. For more information review the Terms of Reference. Sign in, Language, Analytical cookies help us to analyse user behaviour, mainly to see if the users are able to find and act on things that they are looking for. Dufferin County Official Plan (2017) The subject property is designated as Urban Settlement Area in the County Official Plan Schedule B - Community Settlement Structure and Land Use (See Figure 1). Public Open House Held on March 3, 2020. 2249 . Excerpt from County of Dufferin Official Plan - Schedule 'C' Figure 9. Site Plan Figure 4. Please note that Building permits are required for all renovations and/or building on your property. Click here for COVID-19 Information and Updates, Official Plan and Provincial Land Use Planning Policies, Click here for more information on the County's Official Plan, Discover More About the Conservation Authorities in Dufferin County. Official Plan 2004. Official Plan. The Planning Act. Our plan works to balance the desire for growth while still maintaining the Town's heritage and character. Cookies help us to understand how you use our website so that we can provide you with the best experience when you are on our site. Some content on this page may not display correctly. What types of houses will be built? Development Permits are similar to municipal building permits, except their consideration is regarding the Escarpment landscape and environment. 8 (OPA#8) and Notice of Decision dated April 9, 2021. Dufferin County MCR Update to Council July 9-Proposed Growth Plan Amendment Presentation to Council .pdf (315 KB) (pdf) Dufferin County MCR Section 26 Presentation 2020.03.12. Dufferin County is expected to grow to approximately 85,000 people and 32,000 jobs by 2041. In an attempt to inform the future direction of public health's role in land use planning, public health staff completed a needs assessment in 2014 with municipal planners in Wellington County, Dufferin County and the City of Guelph. Any person or public body will be entitled to receive notice of the decision of the approval authority if a written request to be notified of the decision. An Official Plan provides an overarching policy direction on how land in the community should be used by upper-tier, lower-tier, and single tier municipalities.As an upper-tier municipality, Dufferin County is responsible for managing growth and providing guidance on land use planning for the County's eight lower-tier municipalities. %PDF-1.7 As well, Dufferin County prepared its first Official Plan which won Ministerial approval last March 25, subject to three outstanding appeals. Click here for more detailed information on their roles and responsibilities in the land use planning and development process. Given that Site Alteration is a defined term in OPA 41, it is recommended that Official Plan Review Workshop. Dufferin County Official Plan - Schedule D - Aggregate Resources - This application highlights the components of policies related to uses with the County's agricultural areas and rural lands including mineral and aggregate resources. The Township of Mulmur is a hidden gem in the north-east corner of Dufferin County. Lavender, Blackbank, Ruskview, Banda, and Santon were too small to be mapped as settlement areas. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. Through this Plan, County Council will outline a long-term vision for Wellington County's communities and resources. Such a plan gives the community a heads-up as to how the land may be used to meet future needs. In order to plan and accommodate this growth we are reviewing and updating our Official Plan through a process called a Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR). <> The growth allocations are not subject to any of these appeals. An amendment to the County Official Plan is also required Figure 6: Dufferin County Official Plan . Dufferin County has given the public multiple methods and opportunities for the public to provide input on the official plan. The County seat is the Town of Orangeville. The Townships and County of Dufferin will amend their Official Plan, Zoning By-Laws and/or municipal planning documents, where applicable, to: a. Dufferin County is Updating its Official Plan The Official Plan is the County's vision for the future. County Council approved a mandate for the committee to advise County Council, make recommendations and provide a monitoring and measuring role to help ensure that the County applies a diversity, equity and inclusion lens to its policies, services and programs. Identify the vulnerable areas in which drinking water threats prescribed under the Clean Water Act 2006 and local threats identified in the Assessment Report would be significant; b. The County of Dufferin is seeking volunteers for a recently established Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community Advisory Committee. Greenbelt Plan Mapping Figure 5. Some of these cookies are ‘strictly necessary’ to provide the basic functions of the website and can not be turned off, while others if present, have the option of being turned off. (1.16 MB) (pdf), County Official Plan Office Consolidation 2017, A Place to Grow-Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2019, Dufferin County MCR_Presentation to County Council_GMS Update_Oct 14'21.pdf (1.15 MB) (pdf). Jim Dyment . Schedule B: Community Structure and Land Use . Phone: 519-941-0440 Ext. How will we At present the County of Dufferin has no upper-tier Official Plan. The Township of Mulmur is a hidden gem in the north-east corner of Dufferin County. From a planning perspective, Conservation Authorities regulate development and activities that impact rivers, creeks, streams or wetlands. . 065371 Dufferin County Road 3, Unit 2, East Garafraxa ON, L9W 7J8, T: 226-259-9400, Toll Free: . . Appendix 2: Source Water Protection . The lands possess a total area of 34.42 hectares (85.05 acres) and The intent of the Urban Settlement Area designation is to function as the primary centre for growth, development, and urban activities. (3 ) ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE MONO OFFICIAL PLAN Under Section 21 or 22 of the Planning Act, Council may process amendments to the Official Plan. Town of Orangeville Official Plan, Office Consolidation December 31, 2011. ntuckett@orangeville.ca . stream According to the Dufferin County Official Plan, the region's employment base is projected to expand to 29,000 local jobs by 2031. 2014, applicable Provincial Plans, and the Dufferin County Official Plan. Dufferin covers an area of 1,486.31 square kilometres (573.87 sq mi), and its population was 61,735 at the time of the 2016 Census This cannot be turned off. It consists of both text and schedules. *County Official Plan 1. Document Library. Figure 2: Map of Dufferin County. Some services continue to be offered by appointment only. Official Plan Amendment. Dufferin County has essentially approved the Shelburne plan and drafted an amendment to the County's Official Plan to allow for acceptance of the Shelburne plan changes. School of Environmental Design and Rural Development RPD 6280: Advanced Planning Practice Equine Sector Development in Dufferin County: A Final Assessment Report The County of Dufferin Official Plan establishes policy direction on matters of County significance such as growth management, the promotion of economic development objectives, and the natural environment and resources_ Detailed land use planning will continue to be 2.4 This Official Plan is designed to accommodate a 2031 population of 7478 and 1,190 jobs, subject to the provisions of this Official Plan. Printable Version of the Official Plan Amendment. County of Dufferin Building Permit. The entire Town of Orangeville is mapped as a settlement area. County of Dufferin in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. County of Dufferin By-Law 2021-19 being a by-law to approve Official Plan Amendment No. The fertile ground offers plenty of opportunity for agriculture and the steep slopes of the escarpment offer vistas unparalleled in the County. Tools used: Google Analytics. . Memorandum to Denise Holmes dated May 30, 2014 from Municipal Planning Services, Chris Jones, Re: County of Dufferin Official Plan - 2 Draft Commentsnd 12. endobj The Town of Shelburne's Official Plan guides future land use, transportation, cultural and heritage and development policies to manage the growth and development of our municipality. County OP may tackle bids for pits, quarries. Dufferin County Official Plan - Schedule C - Agricultural and Rural Areas Necessary for enabling core functionality. Conservation Authorities represent provincial interest in regards to natural hazards under the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014. or more detailed information on their roles and responsibilities in the land use planning and development process. Once the County amendment is approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, they, in turn will approve the Shelburne amendments, possibly as early as mid-March of 2017. �īNՎ�z��շ �#n�(���%c0��*�ܩx�S�w�ɂ�M���c��HK/�,����|� m��_XFd����\-_Sb�?T�j�x���\-�9"]8?T����Yb���X����%����m�*m��w��=��&.����3Mxx����?�ѼQ�yT�)QB��}���IYI�+�. . Their mandate is to protect and preserve the Niagara Escarpment and ensure development only occurs when compatible with the natural environment within the Escarpment. These can be managed also from our cookie policy page. allocation of 80,000 people and an employment allocation of 27,000 for Dufferin County by 2031. The Official Plan for Dufferin County (the 'County OP') provides upper-tier land use planning policies to manage growth and development within the County over the planning horizon. An Official Plan provides an overarching policy direction on how land in the community should be used by upper-tier, lower-tier, and single tier municipalities. Hurricane Clip Rebate Program . Town of Orangeville . The Dufferin County Official Plan ("County Official Plan") was approved in March 25, 2015 and is now in effect with the exception of three sections which are under appeal. The Planning Department is actively involved in ensuring that all development in the Town is environmentally and economically sustainable, and meets the development guidelines set by the municipality. Figure 8: Dufferin County Official Plan . These include the hosting of a public meeting and a public open house , distribution of surveys , in addition to forming a Stakeholder Advisory Committee . Please call before visiting. Figure 3. They manage watersheds and flooding, protect source water, and provide various environmental education programs. Dufferin County often receive request for comments regarding development permit applications in the Town of Mono and the Township of Mulmur. It straddles the famous Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. An appropriate balance has been struck between the desire to accommodate a fair share of the County's growth, primarily within settlement areas, while recognizing that opportunities . Residents are encouraged to attend the Statutory Public Meeting for the County Official Plan held on Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at the County of Dufferin Council Chambers, 51 Zina Street (2nd Floor), Orangeville, at 7:00 p.m. A revised version of the Official Plan will be available on-line and at the County office by the 24th of July.

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