american folklore list

Originally appearing in sea shanties and tall tales passed along by New England seamen, Stormalong was a lifelong enemy of the Kraken, a multi-tentacled sea monster which pulled ships to their doom. J. E. Bright is the author of more than one hundred and ten novels, novelizations, non-fiction books, storybook apps, and novelty books for children and young adults. Native American folklore, like many oral traditions around the world, is rife with captivating tales passed down through the generations. Scientific American. Francis Marion – the Swamp Fox – offers to share his meal, likely potatoes and vinegar, with a British prisoner. "Earwig in the ear". The legend of the lost crew of Henry Hudson’s Half Moon playing at nine-pins in the mountains was a popular Dutch folk tale in the region, to which Irving added the character of Rip Van Winkle and his twenty-year nap, set against the backdrop of early American history. Nearly all towns of the west established gun laws and laws against the concealed carry of deadly weapons. 10 American History Myths You Probably Believe. In 1829 he jumped from a platform erected for the purpose into the water beneath Niagara Falls. These are the 5 of the most famous American folktales. Casey Jones (Tennessee/Mississippi): This real engineer from Tennessee famously guided the Cannonball Express, which collided with a freight train in Vaughan, Mississippi. Dust jacket has only minor shelf wear. 10 Wicked Creatures From Native American Folklore - Listverse Native American Folklore & Traditions Often it appears like a cross between a Neanderthal and a gorilla – playing on our primal fears of prehistoric Missing Link survivors — and has been said to smell awful. In 1946, the Walt Disney Company used the Br’er Rabbit tales as the basis for its animated movie Song of the South, which, because of racism considerations, has never been released for home distribution. A huge thank you to all of our official sponsors, and everyone who pledges to keep #FolkloreThursday running! Get 20% Off. He died the next day and became one of a few infamous stagecoach robbers. So the younger brother, Henohoha, found a giant horned water snake named Oniare breathing toxins into the river. 27 books — 7 voters History, Folklore, Legends & Tales of East Anglia & The Fens. (In the Midwestern United States, the knight is occasionally replaced with a horse.). When that stunt too led to disappointing receipts he scheduled another, a week later, on Friday, November 13, 1829. newsletter, Sign up for the When American writer Washington Irving was a boy in the early nineteenth century he made several trips up the Hudson River to the Catskills region of New York, originally settled by the Dutch during the days of the New Amsterdam colony, as fur trading posts. Creation Myth (Powhatan) There were five main gods in the world. 5 Legendary Monsters of North American FolkloreWendigo. Swift Runner: Cree cannibal executed at Fort Saskatchewan, believed to be possessed by Wendigo. ...Dogman. Werewolves Among Us? ...Mothman. ...Flat Woods Monster. ...Jersey Devil. ... William Gropper's American Folklore Map. 2008, “The John Henry Who Might Have Been”. Ponce De Leon and the Fountain of Youth Ponce de Leon, who made his first journey to the New World with Christopher... 3. Ponce de León (Florida): Juan Ponce de León was a Spanish explorer who served as the first governor of Puerto Rico, but he probably appears on a folklore map due to his search for the fountain of youth. Adventures of Bull-Turns-Round. After taking heavy casualties Rogers ordered his remaining men to disperse, and according to local legend Rogers himself escaped by sliding down a 400 foot granite mountainside to the frozen surface of Lake George below, where he strapped on the ice skates that the Rangers carried during winter operations, and skated off to safety. Brer Rabbit (Georgia): Popular throughout the South, Brer Rabbit succeeds by tricking his adversaries. Much of American folklore came from the imagination of Samuel Clemens and two of his works, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 145 (2): 245. Online, “War on the Run: The Epic Story of Robert Rogers and the Conquest of America’s First Frontier”. It resembles a large, angry rabbit with a rack of antlers. Ross entered American folklore as having sewn the famed flag which placed the stars representing the colonies on a blue field in a circular pattern. African Mythology Gods and Goddesses list – Creation Myths, Examples, Stories and Creatures The mythology of Africa is the collection of myths, gods, goddeses, stories, legendary beings, books, culture, folklore and mythical creatures that appear in African mythologies. As recently as the year 2000, reports appeared in the British press describing Marion as not a guerrilla fighter but a terrorist, who made war on both the British and the Loyalist militia, taking no prisoners, and burning private property. A collection of more than one hundred tales of legendary heroes, tricksters, Native American creation stories, mythical characters, love stories, and ghost stories celebrates the voices that make up America. BOMC. "Spider Myths – Swallowing Spiders". Delivered Fridays. Another example is about being to hasty. The map of folklore shows the state of the American imagination (and Gropper's fascinations) in 1946. Notable gaps include the Pacific Northwest and the two future states of Hawaii and Alaska. He lives in a sunny apartment in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, with his cranky but cuddly cat, Mabel, and his friendly puppy, Henry. Many people believe that humans only use 10 percent of their brains; it's even the plot line for the 2014 film Lucy, starring Scarlett Johansson.However, that's nothing but a myth, neurologist Barry Gordon told Scientific American.He says that humans "use virtually every part of the brain" and most of the brain is "active almost all the time." Over time, his adventures became more legendary. Native American Legends & Tales. august Lyrics. Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley) became legendary for carrying water to soldiers during the Revolutionary War. The snake’s massive body floated downstream and blocked the waterfall, causing the famous horseshoe shape we know today. Wikimedia. Found insideJournal of Folklore Research Reviews Go Online The Journal of Folklore Research has launched a venture called JFR Reviews , in which reviews of books and other media formats of folklore scholarship will be delivered to a list of ... By the 1830s Bowie, who had formerly worked with the pirate Jean Lafitte smuggling and dealing with stolen goods in Louisiana, relocated to Texas, took the requisite oath of allegiance to the Mexican government, and established himself near San Antonio de Bexar. Within Native folklore, it is widely agreed that the Teihiihan were destroyed in an ancient conflict, in which the Arapahos and other Native American tribes allied to successfully defeat them. Biden made one of the best decisions of his presidency this week. The landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock Of all the folklore surrounding the Pilgrims’ arrival in what became... 2. Bauman, Richard, ed. Presenting these tales with illuminating annotations and hundreds of revelatory illustrations, The Annotated African American Folktales reminds us that stories not only move, entertain, and instruct but, more fundamentally, inspire and keep ... The Mayan beaded lizard, or Ix-hunpedzkin, is 3 to 4 inches long, with black, rose, and ash-colored bands across their bodies and a pink underbelly. The poem A Visit from St. Nicholas was published in 1823 in the Troy, New York Sentinel on December 23, and though it was published anonymously it was quickly attributed to Clement C. Moore. Perhaps one of the most fascinating of these groups is the Native Americans. Moore did not submit the poem, it was delivered to the paper by a friend, because Moore did not want his serious literary reputation harmed by writing the obviously for children poem. The tale is found in a popular book published in 1938. Your Privacy. Faunce was 94 years of age at the time, and his father had not been one of the Mayflower passengers. Across the board, Native American cultures offer many creation legends, many of which involve sacred caves or underground tunnels. There are many tales of George Washington which are part of American folklore, some of which having some basis in truth, while others are complete fabrications. While cars appear to be rolling uphill, they are still just rolling downhill. Following the Crockett craze of that decade, Fink again faded into relative obscurity except along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, where his name and legends about his life remain in several of the small towns and river ports which line the banks. Where do we find this stuff? Depicted in the media of film and television as a hanging judge, Bean only sentenced two men to that fate during his tenure on the bench. They have remained so ever since. This 1946 map, made by William Gropper, shows all of America's most famous folklore and myths in one gorgeous image. The most persistent American version of the myth is a loose adaptation of Washington Irving’s 1820 story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow , which draws from historical facts about the American … El Silbón - Venezuela “The Whistler” is a terrifying man that haunts the Venezuelan and Colombian Llanos region. As an oral tradition, Native American myths are best shared live where the storyteller doesn't just share the story, they bring it to life. Wikimedia. The steel was not for the placing of rails, but for the drilling of holes in the rock which would then be filled with black powder, for the purpose of cutting the tunnels in the Appalachians through which the railroads would travel. The details and characters of the stories evolved The three white men who shot the 25-year-old Black man dead won’t walk free. A descendant of Ross, William Canby, declared that Ross made the first flag of the United States, but the information he provided dated the event a full year before the Congress established the design of the flag in 1777. He's a famous symbol for his leadership of the Iroquois confederacy. America is still 6 million jobs short compared to before Covid-19. Online, “Shanties from the Seven Seas”. Jones' attempts to stop the train made him a legend. A mix of elements from Indigenous religions and beliefs a well as superstitions brought by the Spanish Conquistadors, the Chiloté mythology shows just how important the sea is in the life of the people living in the Chiloté Archipelago. John A. Sutter (California): Born in 1803, Sutter became symbolic of the California Gold Rush, and later established a fort that would become Sacramento. 15 books — 8 voters Fantasy Books Set in Romania. There is a strong Spanish and African influence on the creatures and the stories. June 14, 2002, “Exploring the Alamo Legends”. Big Foot Wallace (Texas): A ranger famous for his exploits in early Texas, William A. Sam Patch’s last jump, from a book of tales of American heroes from the early twentieth century. Described by Washington Irving in 1832, the mustang first appeared in Oklahoma as a near apparition with a wandering soul, too fast to be caught. Charles Edward Brown. Late at night, it got so frigid that all spoken words froze solid afore they could be heard. Events, songs, Native American tales, myths, and local legends are all part of America’s native folklore, which grows with the years. In his twenties, while working at another mill in New Jersey, he began to advertise his jumps and collect a fee from the fans who gathered to watch. 137 books — 13 voters Middle Eastern - South Asian fantasy. This electronic copy of American Folk Music and Folklore Recordings: A Selected List is formatted in ascii for distribution on the Internet. Several sites claim to be the location of the race between John Henry and the machine, including in Virginia and Alabama, and several men have been suggested as being the basis for the African American steel driving man. American folklore and tall tales don’t always include just men and women of larger-than-life size or humans that accomplish a feat that only a god could; often, these folklore heroes get mixed-up with animals. The term ‘Native American’ covers many hundreds of tribes and peoples. He was an actor, known for Peter Pan (1953), Lady and the Tramp (1955) and Sleeping Beauty (1959). About. Monster Tales of Native Americans: Another good collection of Native American monster mythology. A Thunderbird totem pole in the Pacific Northwest (Laura Evans) Hoh and Quileute Tribes. From there they watch over the Ongiaras people, their descendants, and everyone who can hear their thunder echoing in Niagara Falls. Famous Folklore Characters. "Fact or Fiction? folklore Tracklist. The Three Ravens (the Midwest): This version of an English ballad tells the story of three ravens who saw a slain knight. John Brown (Kansas): John Brown is more a figure of history than folklore, but his raid on Harpers Ferry became a legendary moment in American history. Found inside – Page 562American Folklore Films and Videotapes : An Index . Memphis , Term .: Center for Southern Folklore , 1976. Contains 1,800 annotated entries , not all of which are directly related to folklore . Subject and distributor list . The Dodge City Peace Commission in 1883. Charter Oak (Connecticut): This tree was famous for supposedly holding Connecticut's Royal Charter of 1662, until it fell in a storm in 1856. He was a regimented businessman, and most often he moved cargoes up the Great Miami River from near Cincinnati to its headwaters, where it was then portaged to the Great Lakes. American folklore, more perhaps that nay other, it at once collective national memory and collective national aspiration. Rogers’ Rangers operated throughout the winter, unlike the European armies which went into winter quarters when the area was covered in snow. “Gun Control Is as Old as the Old West”. A collection of Native American tales and myths focusing on the relationship between man and nature. The Rangers had been traveling the still snow covered terrain on snowshoes, and the fight became known as the Second Battle on Horseshoes (the first having involved the Rangers the year before), which soon began to turn against the Rangers. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Jackalope Hunting Licenses are good for hunting only during official jackalope season, which occurs for only one day, on June 31. Fall, 2002, “The Swamp Fox”. Some sources place the song in New Jersey, others credit Stephen Foster, and still others say it comes from a campaign song. Native American Folktales. Below is a list of stories about Babe the Blue Ox. Amy Crawford, Smithsonian Magazine. One of the most famous accounts of Bigfoot is the Patterson-Gimlin film where a supposedly female Bigfoot marches a… It appears on the state quarter. The legendary beast called the jackalope, the exceedingly rare leptus antilocapra, is a hybrid of a killer hare and pygmy deer. Young men were so engaged when Washington arrived, and according to the visitor he was showing the estate, dismounted, took the bar, and heaved it considerably further than any of the younger men had been able to manage, without even removing his coat. The original folklore stories surrounding Krampus are terrifying. Marion became legendary for his habit of drinking vinegar, a practice he believed protected him from diseases so often associated with the swamps. Wikimedia. Sam Patch was born sometime around 1807, and was raised in the mill town of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, where southern cotton was spun into fiber. James Bowie, often referred to as Jim Bowie, was an American smuggler, slave trader, frontiersman, and land speculator who remains famous as the designer of the famed Bowie knife. He had several instances when he was cited by his employers, mostly for speeding, but his overall record was free of accidents involving injuries to passengers. While Washington was in retirement a popular game among young men at Mount Vernon was the overhead throwing of a heavy iron bar, with the winner being he who threw the furthest. Aunt Rachel's Curse. Why you should care about Facebook’s big push into the metaverse. Daniel Boone, frontiersman. Starting with the local headlines announcing his death he began to acquire heroic status, which was soon amplified when the song The Ballad of Casey Jones was released. Having said that, If there is a updated book of an old folklore book that has regards and respect toward African-American culture please place that on the list instead of the original (for example, Joel Chandler Harris' have been opted out in favor of Julius Lester for obvious reasons). Gold Rush (California): The catalyst for much of the settling and exploration of California, the 1840s Gold Rush captured the nation's attention and spurred Western migration (and the American imagination). Wyatt Earp is seated second from the left. American Folklore - Famous American folktales, tall tales, myths and legends, ghost stories, and more. The definition of a folktale is a story passed on by word of mouth, or a legend or myth shared among people of a culture. The story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf is an example of a folktale. A central figure in the folkloric Uncle Remus stories in the American South, Br’er Rabbit is a classic trickster character, outsmarting authority and subverting society with his wits. Reappointing Jerome Powell as Fed chair could help with that. The JSTOR Early Journal Content is a selection of journal materials published prior to 1923 in the United States and prior to 1870 elsewhere. Get our essential policy newsletter delivered Fridays. "Custer's Last Stand" remains an infamous battle in American history. Some inclusions — like Old Black Joe and Mormons — make for an unusual fit for modern eyes. No Pecos Bill, Johnny Appleseed or John Henry??? 90, The History Press, 2016). Jesse Greenspan, History. Sign up for the Found inside – Page 1-1573A Brief list of material relating to “ Dumbarton , 84-3655 Folklore - Virginia Discography , Major collections of ... Bluegrass music a select bibliography 1 , 84-5635 A Brief list of material relating to American railroad songs I ... During the Second World War, American GIs suspicious of the legitimacy of encountered men unknown to them would routinely ask questions regarding baseball, as it was assumed that no American male could possibly not know the rudiments of the game or the names of its stars. Retold Afro-American folktales of animals, fantasy, the supernatural, and desire for freedom, born of the sorrow of the slaves, but passed on in hope. The legend of Ponce de Leon’s futile search for the Fountain of Youth was created by his detractors after his death. All three men died and are venerated in Texas, but Crockett and Bowie were already folk heroes before they died, and their fame exceeds that of Travis today, Bowie for his knife and Crockett for his reputation with a rifle. One of the tales about the giant captain is that he rests in Davy Jones’ locker, somewhere at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The Swamp Fox and his men were never located in their camps deep within the Carolina swamps, from which they would strike with frightening speed before vanishing from pursuit. One says "He who hesitates is lost" and yet another advises, "Look before you leap." John F. Ross. The significance of the guilty verdicts in Arbery’s murder. The Old Gray Mare (the Midwest): This folk song tells the story of an aging mare or mule. Alone or with other irregular bands, the constant sniping and raids had a detrimental effect on British morale, already at a low point due to the malarial climate and blazing heat. After her husband died of a mysterious poison, bereaved Lelawala set off in a canoe to commit suicide, but she was rescued by a flying Thunder Spirit named Henon who lived behind the waterfall. Marion’s own estate in South Carolina was burned during the war by British sympathizers. Some of the stories in this list are about people who lived — or might have lived — long ago; others are about real children who you may know as a friend or neighbor today. It probably reflects the epic migration to Utah and the hardships suffered in the process. John Chapman (J. Appleseed), pioneer. Wikimedia. Calamity Jane (South Dakota): Frontierswoman and fighter Martha Jane Canary became a folk hero for her strong personality. Billy the Kid (William H. Bonney, 1859-1881): Desperado who killed his first man before he reached his teens; after short life of crime in Wild West was gunned down by Sheriff Pat Garrett; symbol of lawless West. The American Folklife Center was created in 1976 by the U.S. Congress to "preserve and present" the great heritage of American folklife through programs of research, documentation, archival preservation, reference service, live performance, exhibition, publication, and training. © #FolkloreThursday 2018 Found inside – Page 1195In addition, many sites do not differentiate between Mexican and Mexican American, listing them together. A. Folklore: General American Folklore Society/Notable Books List: ... African American folktale, storytelling tradition that evolved among enslaved African Americans in the 18th and 19th centuries. La Llorona – The Weeping Woman the Southwest. If you include nicknames, official titles and honorifics, some gods have hundreds of … December 1966, “Paul Bunyan and Tony Beaver Tales”. One of his most famous stories is “The Laughing Place” in which Br’er Rabbit outsmarts his frenemies Br’er Fox and Br’er Bear with a cave full of bees. Davy Crockett, frontiersman. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. It's not comprehensive, but it's still a fascinating look at the myths that made America, highlighting real people who reached folkloric status as well as those who were invented in stories and song. Many sighters describe the creature with a dome-shaped skull, a broad, sloping forehead, a protruding eyebrow ridge, and large eyes. All issues Special issues . Bean selected the jury himself, and during recesses they were required to purchase a drink from his saloon. The rock has since been split, chipped away, parts of it moved, and later returned to its original position, with 1620 carved into its upper portion. A fictional player by the name of Casey became well known as the subject of a poem, and the song Take Me Out To The Ballgame was a Tin Pan Alley hit. 1. Many of Hickok’s fights took place because someone refused to surrender his gun. He was officially appointed as Justice of the Peace for the district in August 1882, over a month after hearing his first case. It was the grinding of his ship along Dover’s Gray Cliffs which made them white. For example Cherokee Mythology, Hopi Mythology, Inuit Mythology, Iroquois Mythology and Navajo Mythology. Mile Fink was a large man for his day, described as over 6′ 3″ and weighing close to 200 pounds at a time when average height was just under 5′ 8″ and most men weighed about 150 pounds. Irving wrote both stories, and others based on the Dutch tales, embellishing them for his American audience, but they were already part of local lore before he committed them to the printed page. Have you ever seen the Thunderbird? Babe the Blue Ox One winter it was so cold that all the geese flew backward and all the fish moved south and even the snow turned blue. Just something to keep in mind as we wade into just a few of the deep mythologies from South America. Early people of North America (during the ice age 40,000 years ago) Northeast Woodland Tribes and Nations - The Northeast Woodlands include all five great lakes as well as the Finger Lakes and the Saint Lawrence River. American folklore actually predates the United States, with personages and places achieving legendary or mythic status before the 1775 “shot heard round the world”, itself later part of folklore. Note that for Native American names, each Moon name was traditionally applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, the month starting either with the new Moon or full Moon. Paul’s bookkeeper, Johnny Inkslinger, who used a pen manufactured from a hose and a barrel of ink, was said to have invented bookkeeping, just as his boss had invented logging. Browse the list of issues and latest articles from Folklore. James Stevens. Unlike a lot of the tall tales from America's formative years, the story of John Henry …

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